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Matteo's pov
I wake up to voices yelling downstairs which is odd. I slowly wake up rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I open my door heading down. As I get closer the voices get louder. "What do you mean, she's gone!" I hear dad ask in anger. I turn the corner walking into the kitchen. I find everyone in the kitchen hovering the counter. "What's going on?" I ask everyone's eyes turn to face me. My mom slowly walks up to me with tears in her eyes. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. She cups my face looking into my eyes for a moment before she speaks. "Baby your sister is gone" she says her voice quivering. "What." I breathe out in disbelief. "How?When?" I ask. "She must have left last night." Dante replies I look over her shoulder to see a pained expression plastered on his face. "How could we sleep through it and not hear anything." Josh chokes out softly. His the closest one to heather I can only imagine how all this makes him feel. "And she left a note again." My eyes snap towards Trent. "She left a note?" I ask. He nods his head. "What does it say?" I ask him to read it out loud. I'm sorry I had to leave again but it's not willingly." He reads out the last part slowly. "It doesn't make sense what does she mean she didn't leave willingly." He asked confused. "My baby." Mom cry's out. Dad walks over to her wrapping her into his arms whispering something into her ear. Everyone looks defeated at seeing mom break down like this again. I knew something was up. If  I only acted fast none of this would be happening.

Heather's pov

"Don't push me." I try to shrug off his filthy hands off my shoulder. And that just earns me another rough shove and i nearly trip over my feet. But I catch myself in time. The bag is snatched off my head roughly in a blink. I turn to glare at him seeing his retreating back close the door leaving me in a strange little cold old room. With a dirty little mattress in the corner and a bucket beside it. The room has no windows so I can't see we're we are. And there's a tinge smell of urine filling the air doesn't help at all. I scrunch my nose in total disgust. The dim light of the bulb reflects a little light in the room so that's a plus at least I'm not left in the dark. When I left the house I found a black SUV down the road. When I was close enough a six foot two buffed man came out from the driver's seat. And i couldn't see him because he had a black ski mask over his face, he slowly took two steps forward and I moved back in fear. "Don't move." He gruff voice threatened. Making me halt. I gulped as he stood right in front of me glaring down at me. One moment he was alone and the next he wasn't before I knew what was happening someone else sneaked up behind me covering my head with a black bag. "Hey!" I yell as I'm lifted off the ground. They throw me into the back seat. I make a move to remove the bag over my head but a voice stops me. "If you even try to remove that bag I promise, You won't like what'll happen next." He says dangerously low. I flinch back scared. I try to steady my now heavy breathing through the bag nodding in understanding. He slams the door shuts. As soon he gets in whoever is driving starts the car. My nerves were shooting sky high throughout the whole drive. I couldn't help but try to look around through the bag hoping to see where we're heading or the people in the car but there was no luck everything was pitch black. So I just slowly sat back and voices of my kidnappers drifted back.

Trent's pov

"Baby don't worry were going to find her." Cindy said trying to comfort me. I look at her giving out a small sigh. I surely hope that's true because today has been the worst day ever. Waking up to find heather gone again was both upsetting and shocking. It's been exactly seventeen hours now and each hour of not knowing where she is has been heart wrenching. I can't stop thinking of what seriously went wrong. My family and the Black's are all in the living room but I couldn't stay there any longer so I decided to step out for some fresh air hoping it would soothe my mind and body. But suddenly it didn't but thankfully my girlfriend is here with me. And I couldn't be anymore great full for that.

Ace's pov
We're all gathered at the Reigns Residence trying to figure out possibly where Heather is. "Ace Heather is gone." Those words haven't stopped roaming my mind since morning. My whole world stopped moving right there and then. I don't know what happened or what caused this and it certainly doesn't help that my baby brother has been Missing too, Since yesterday. Mom, Mrs Black, Becky and Bella haven't stopped crying. All the men look absolutely helpless and I'm not far from it too. We can't call the police to report a missing person we need to wait for forty eight hours. The note she left isn't helping because it doesn't make any sense. All I want is my Baby back.

Heather's pov
I've been waiting in this room for some hours now and no one has come in yet. I start pacing up and down to exercise some strength back into my legs. I couldn't sit on the mattress that's for sure had seen better days or the rusty old bucket, So standing it was. The door soon opens and the man that kidnapped me walks in followed by a strange man whose also wearing a ski mask like the kidnapper. But his slightly taller than the kidnapper. Don't blame me I don't know there names nor do I want to Know them. I narrow my eyes at them as they just stand there looking at me like the weirdos they are. "It's lovely to finally see you again sweet checks." The familiar sickening voices says coming from the second guy. "Sorry for the wait but I had much more important things to attend to." He says. I narrow my eyes at him choosing not to say a word. He takes two steps forward just like the kidnapper did earlier and i step back trying to create as much distance between us as possible. I stop moving when my back hits the wall trapping any more movement. Once he feels like his close enough he slowly removes the mask from his face. And those eyes that became my nightmare stare back at me. "We meet again at last." He smiles at the shock on my face. His eyes glint with full satisfaction. Fuck.

Chapter forty six is done
I hope you enjoy it
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