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Ace's pov

"Why can't we find them." I pace back and forth frustrated. They've been missing for twenty four hours now and each minute gone by as been excruciating painful. "Son you need sit and calm down for a minute." My dad tries to calm me. "We won't find anything if your too agitated to think straight." He tries to reason. I give out an audible sigh before finally giving up and sitting. "I'm just so worried dad we haven't heard anything from them and the silence is completely killing me." I hold the lump on my throat that's threatening to go up."I Know son but we just have to hope that their okay." He gives me a reassuring pat on the back. I breathe in deeply nodding. "I think we found something." Trent barge's into the room. Dad and I share a look before following Trent out.

Heather's pov

We've been here for a day now but we don't really know if it's day or night because we have no way of finding out. This small room doesn't have any windows what's so ever. "I'm tired and so hungry." Xavier whines leaning against the wall. Those bastards didn't even have the humanity to at least give us some water. "Don't worry I'll get us something just wait for one of them to come." I assure him. Shortly the door opens and they walk in looking like a happy couple. A match made in heaven. "Aren't you all cooked up well." She mocks in a high pitched obnoxious laugh. I bite my tongue holding down the words threatening to spill. I internally take a big breathe before opening my mouth. "Could you at least give us some water." I ask softly. "Aggghh fine I'll get you some water but first we have to talk about something." She smiles. Why the hell is she always smiling? "And what's that?" I ask uninterested. "Don't you want to know why your here?" She asks with a smirk. That quickly gains my attention. "I see that got your attention. Well if you seriously want to know, I'm the one behind your accident as well as the texts and threat's." She announces happily like it's nothing. I look back at her in shock. "I know your probably asking yourself why? But don't worry I'll tell you all in due time." She giggles. "Well I'm sure xavy here told you everything. But I know his told you his filtered version of the story." She rolls her eyes before continuing.

"You see five years ago I decided to take a vacation to try and relax a little." Xavier scoffs at that. She glares at him before facing me again. "Anyway it got boring real fast and I missed my boyfriend." At the mention of Ace my fist subconsciously clench in anger. "So I decided to come back but when I got back I found out that everyone had moved. And obviously I was devastated my parents we're no help so I took it upon myself to find them no matter what. I had some difficulty for some time but that pushed me even more and it took one year before I actually found them and I was ecstatic. I mean who wouldn't be after a long year of searching. I booked my ticket and planned everything but boy did I get the shock of my life."she gives out a dry laugh. "I saw you wrapped around my man like the desperate little whore you are." Her features morph into anger sending daggers at me. "I was fuming I was this close." She pinches index and thumb together." To ripping you off him but something held me back. And I'm glad it did." Her evil smile sends shivers down my back. "So I quickly rushed out of there. Booked the first flight back home. After some weeks of groveling and silently wanting to kill you, I came up with the perfect plan. I hired a PI to find out everything about the slut that was brain washing my man." I'm trying so hard to stay calm but the moment she starts slut-shaming me, My blood begins to boil. But I feel Xavier's hand on top of mine in an tempt to soothe my nerves. "It took some time but there's nothing money can't find. Your childhood is kinda sad. Poor baby was abandoned by mommy and daddy ."she taunts. And it takes everything in me not tackle her to the ground. "Let's not forget the bullying Back in school. It was too much to handle. So the little girl ran and what happened that night." I fight back the emotions bubbling within me. My mouth runs dry at the knowingly smile she's giving me. "You remember that night right Mike?" I turn to face him and find him already smiling at me. "I sure do." He rasp's back making me flinch back in fear. Xavier wraps his arms around me pulling  my shoulders protectively. "You better back the fuck off." He state curtly. "Awe look at that." She coos. "That's the reason why they adopted you it's not because they love you it's because they pity you. She mocks me. "Shut up you don't know anything." Xavier snaps at her. "Stop lying to the girl and be honest xavy." She cackles like a hyena. I blink back tears. "Anyway back to the story. I searched for mike and it was easy since you left your phone with him that day I got ahold of him. And we talked, I told him about my plan to help bring down a common enemy and he eagerly agreed. Everything needed to happen perfectly so we decided to watch you and your family for everything to fall into place. I will admit it took too long but it was all worth it in the end. When you finally came back home for the award ceremony that's when the camera started rolling. Btw the Doll idea was mine I bet you liked it. She winks at me. "Paid someone to hack your phone and surveillance. I made sure you wouldn't tress my steps. Real smart right?" She gloats proudly.

"You stopped replying to my texts later on stopped taking my calls too. How rude of you to try and block me by the way. So I decided to be more practical, Then came the flowers and letters. I actually saw that in a movie once. Decided to try it out." Mike and her laugh finding it funny. "Oh come on stop glaring at me, it was funny." She rolls her eyes. "And it was so infuriating how you hid everything but I guess I gotta give your brothers credit for finding out the truth and they thought they we're clever than me so I had to teach them a lesson. Your Accident was the lesson by the way." I feel the tears I was trying to hold back cascade down my cheeks. "Awww please don't cry." I know she's enjoying every moment of it. I hate that she's destroyed a little part of me I feel emotionally violated. How can someone be this cruel. "You bitch how could you, She almost died!" Xavier yells practically fuming. "Not my problem." She dismisses him."I later found out that they had moved you from the Blacks to your old home. It was annoying how you were always surrounded and how Ace kept on following like a fucking lost puppy. Hated you stupid little date by the way. There was no way I could hurt you anymore because it was too soon. I knew if the deliveries started they'd never reach you and your little hacker brother made sure you we're unreachable." She huffs irritated. "With not being able to reach you all my hard work was about to be flashed down the drain. I literally freaked out. But Mike here suggested we find another way in and that's how you came along xavy boo." She blows him a kiss. "I'm sorry I had to use you to get to heather I had no choice." She bows her head in shame. But she soon breaks down in laughter. "I can't believe you almost believe that." She wipes off a fake tear at the corner of her eye. "I'd do anything to get what I want even if it means killing you in the process." A determined look flushs through her blue eyes making her look more crazy. And that scares me. "That's enough chit chat time for today plus you need to get ready. Tomorrow is a big day." She walks but stops mid way. "Oh don't think I forgot I'll make sure to send in something real soon. Bye darlings have a good sleep you'll definitely need it tomorrow." She says leaving the room. I burry my face in my hands reliving everything she just said. I don't realize I was full blown crying till I heard Xavier trying to console me. Why is this happening to me?

Hoooweee that was a lot of talking
I'm so tired but I hope you
Enjoy it.
What did Trent find out any way?
Don't forget

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