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Heather's pov

"Hel-" But i get cut off before I can even say anything. "Listen to me you whore! You better stay the fuck away from my man. I'm watching you!" And they hang up before I can speak. I look at my phone shocked. What the hell just happened." Heather are you okay?" I look up at them and they're looking back at me with worried expression's. " Uhmm yeah I just need to use the bathroom real quick." I get up walking towards the bathroom. Luckily I find no one inside the toilets. I look at my reflection looking back at me as I try to breathe in. Who was that? And which man are they talking about? This is really confusing.

Bella's pov

"I don't think she's okay, one minute we're laughing, The next she gets a call and she looks like she's about to pass out." Cindy says. The one friend I had went on a family vacation with her family to Africa. I don't go out much and I never made enough friends that didn't want me because of my money or brother's. So I stopped altogether, I'm always with my brother's or my mom but lately the house has been really tense ever since mom and Josh found out what we did to Heather they haven't really talked to us. The boys feel so bad I haven't seen them lately especially Case, Trent and Matteo they've been locked up in their rooms. So that just leaves me, so I just decided to go out for some coffee when I came in I saw Cindy and Heather. I just wanted to say hi hoping she would talk to me but that backfired till Cindy invited me to join and hope was not lost. But it was disturbed by whoever called her, I'm worried. "I think I should probably check on her she's been in there for way too long." She breaks me out of thought. " No let me." I get up she looks at me shocked and a bit hesitant to let me go." Are you sure?" She asked making sure. "Yeah." She nods. I walk towards the bathroom I take deep breath before I enter. I walk in and find her staring at her reflection. " Heather are you okay?" I ask slowly. She looks at me through the mirror but says nothing. I face my feet about to walk out but she speaks. "You know when I met you all I've ever wanted was your approval and love but that seemed impossible with the hate you all felt." She said with a humourless laugh. " I tried so hard to get you to love me. All I've ever wanted was a sister to tell everything you know? or try to make our brothers lives hell, Tell her who i like or make our ex's lives a living hell too. But I didn't get to do that with you. It hurt me so much and it still does." I can't even look at her. I don't know what to say. "Why didn't you defend me when Beth tormented me? Why did you let your brothers do that to me the least you could do was look into eyes when addressing me? You didn't even want to be in the same building. Why did you even hate me? I don't remember doing anything to you." She adds, Her voice shaking slightly. How do I respond to that?

Heather's pov

Whoever that person was called got to me. That explains why I'm opening up to Bella but I know that's not the only reason. I can't keep hating them in silence I need to let them know how much they broke the fifteen year old that had so much hope. I see her look at her feet she hasn't looked me in the eyes since I started talking. "I'm so sorry Heather I know what I did was wrong. I'm not even going to justify what I did because  it was wrong. So so wrong. But I was jealous." She blurts out the last part completely confusing me. What the hell does she mean she was jealous. I turn around to face her still shocked. " What do you mean you we're jealous?" I furrow my eyebrows at her. " I-i-i was the last born of the family and all of a sudden you showed up. Mom was excited to have you I thought you we're going to take my place. I was so close with mom but I let my friends convince me that hanging around with your  mom  was uncool. But you came along and it was like I never existed. And I now know it was very stupid but I couldn't help it, And it never helped by them telling me that all you wanted was our money, you we're some cheap whore like your mom and the boys obviously didn't help too. I was filled with so much hate and jealously I lost the reasonable side of me. She sniffed. Well I didn't expect that. " I know I wouldn't forgive myself if I we're you. I-i'm really sorry Heather please just give me a chance to prove myself to you. When you left I couldn't forgive myself, I know i contributed to you leaving. I thought you were dead and buried in some dumpster I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm only asking for one chance I'm begging you." Her eyes meet mine and I see tears falling down her face freely. I've never seen her beg for something this is all new. I guess I can give her a chance, she genuinely looks sorry. "I can tell that you really mean it. I'm willing to give you a second chance." I tell her. Her eyes flicker with happiness. And suddenly She embraces me in a big hug my body involuntarily tensing. But after a minute i relax into her arms and pat her back awkwardly. She pulls away but stays close to me." Thank you so much Heather I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you." Her face beams with joy. I hesitantly lift my hand wiping away her tears. I feel her tense a bit not expecting it too. But smiles nevertheless."I'm so happy thank you." She beams. " You don't have to thank me Bella." I tell her, She nods. We hear a throat clearing I look over Bella's shoulder and find Cindy staring back at us. " Is everything okay? You guys were taking too long I was beginning to worry." She says. "Yeah sorry we took long we Kinda lost track of time." I tell her, I see Bella nod her head in agreement.

" Come on let's go back outside. Before you continue hogging the bathroom." She teases making us all Laugh. Bella wraps her hand around my shoulder as we walk outside. If you told me today that I would later on forgive my sister  I probably would have laughed in your face. But look at me now.

Chapter twenty six is a bit short. It was all about heather and Bella. but I hope you love it....
Thank you so much
Forget to

Byeeeeeee 👋👋👋👋👋💖💖💖💖

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