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MOM 😭😭.

I can feel my heart racing rapidly. I don't even  know if i want to see what's right behind me. I look at the people in front of me but all they're doing is glaring at whoever is behind. I slowly turn around my gaze meeting someone I thought  I'd never  see again." Mom." I gasp. "Oh my baby." She rushes towards me cupping my cheeks. The last five years haven't really changed her. Her blonde hair has a few Grey's in them a few wrinkles sporting on her forehead and cheeks her baby blue are no longer as bright as I remember them to be. Time has definitely been good with her." How are you baby? What happened to you? Why didn't you call me?" She fires questions all at once. " I thought I lost you." She embraces me so tight like she's afraid I'll disappear. I hug her back with so much love not wanting to let go, I miss her so much I didn't realise it till now. Her hand shakingly wipes away the tears I didn't know we're falling. " I missed you so much" I tell her through my blurring vision swallowing  the lump stuck on my throat. "Heather." A deeper voice calls beside us I turn my head slightly  to see Fred. His aged with the years. His black hair is now full of grey hair his green eyes wrinkling a little with age. He looks great. " Hey Fred." I greet with a teary smile." Can I get a hug?" He asks hesitantly. "Yeah sure." I walk into his arm's. His never hugged me before. It kinda all feels odd but warm at the same time. He gives me one last tight hug before letting me go. " What happened?" He asked me. Before I say anything, Mom turns me to her "that's not  important right now. All that matters is that she's finally here." Mom says holding onto to me like she doesn't want me to leave.

We hear a throat clearing which we all turn too. And there ladies and gentlemen is what I've been dreading to see the whole night. My siblings  eyes all widen when they see me. Dante looks more manly than the last time I saw him. Him and Ace are actually the same age. Mason hasn't changed much expect from the five o clock shadow he has, It really looks good on him. The twins and Trent. Now these boys have fully grown into their bodies they're almost as tall as mason and Dante. They're all lean and muscular. A bit on lean side it shows they do frequent the gym from time to time. They all look more like Fred than mom, Bella  looks like her mum she's grown into her body too but her once black hair is now blonde  she really looks beautiful. My mouth goes dry and my throat gets all scratchy I know my palms start to sweat all of a sudden. Luckily i feel a hand on the small of my back and I relax a into their touch. "Doll I think it's time to leave." Ace says in a stern voice. I look around them not seeing the last person I really wanted to see. Mom where's Josh?" " Something came up so he couldn't make it." She answers back. I was hoping I could see him I've really missed him too. "Uhmm mom are you free tomorrow?" I asked." Yeah I am."She responds immediately. "Is it okay with you if we have lunch at the first place we did." She smiles at me nodding. " Okay you'll meet me there at 12:00." I tell her. " I'll be there baby." She assures me. I give Fred one last hug "It was nice to see you again Fred if your free tomorrow you can join us for  lunch." He nods at me smiling. "Well mom I have to leave I'll see you tomorrow take care of yourself." I lean over kissing her cheek goodbye avoiding the stares I can feel burning the side of my  face from you know who. I smile at her one last time before turning. " Heather wait!" I hear someone call making me visibly tense. But Ace pushes us forward I don't get to turn and continue walking ignoring the calls. Well it could have gone much worser I think.


Yesterday was really eventful that's for sure. We didn't speak about it when we all got home. I was too tired to start reminiscing about the whole thing so I went straight to bed. Ace hasn't left my side since yesterday nor has he said anything but I know it won't last long. " Doll are you sure want to see your mom." He asks not convinced it's the right decision. "Ace you don't have to worry she was never the one I had problems with. If your still not okay with it don't worry I'll be taking  Becky with me, So at least you know you have someone to ask how everything will be going cause I know you'll be calling non stop." I tell him while I put on my ankle boots completing my outfit. I know he wanted to be the one I went with  but I didn't want it to be tense and awkward so I forced him to stay. Yeah you read right I had to force him to stay home. Mama,papa and Xavier offered to go with me too but I refused. I know how over protective they can get over me. They wouldn't let me go by myself so I had to take Becky with me plus she's more civil and a bit more calm than the rest. I lean over giving him a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be fine baby don't worry Okay." He sighs nodding. "Text me when you get there." He adds. "I will I promise."

I find Becky all ready when I get downstairs. We say our goodbyes to everyone taking our leave but first that was before they demanded  to let them know when we get see what I meant. " Are you ready?" Becky asks as we drive to the diner. "Oh yeah I am, I'm actually excited but a bit nervous." I say with a chuckle. " Last night was crazy you should have have seen the way they kept on looking at you." She says shaking her head. " Oh I know, I could feel their stares but I don't think I would have stayed strong if they even opened their mouths." I say honestly. "Well we're here you ready?" She asks parking the car Infront of the diner. That was fast. "Yep come on." We get out and enter the diner. It really hasn't  changed it's still the same it kinda bring back the feeling of nostalgia back. The place has only grown with the years. We choose the booth that's near widow and wait. "It feels homey." She says looking around the place. Shortly the door opens and the bell rings and mom walks in searching for me when she sports me, she smiles and walks up to us. "Sweetie I'm so glad you came." She hugs me. " I told you I was going to be here." I hug her back " mom this is Becky my best friend and sister she's also Ace's sister. Becky meet my mom Mrs Wendy Reigns." I introduce both of them. " It's nice to meet you Mrs Wendy." Becky says stretching forward her hand.  Mom pulls her forward into a hug. "I'm sorry but I'm a hugger." She tells her. " It's fine with me." She says. "Okay now let's sit down and order I'm kinda hungry." I tell both of them.

             If they're any mistakes I'm sorry... Hope you love chapter eighteen
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