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"Are you sure you okay going there?" Ace asked for the umpteenth time. Which makes me roll my eyes at him. Yesterday was tense and crazy I was lucky I got my brothers to leave in time because I know this man over here was going to make sure he hurts them which was either going to end into a fist fight that was not needed at all. "Baby I told you that I'm going to be fine." I assure him while rubbing his arms. "Fine just stay with me for bit please." Giving me his best puppy dog eyes with a pout. He literally just pouted. Before I can say anything he tags me on top of him. Not expecting it I release a Yelp. Setting me on his laps  properly. I smack his chest glaring at him. " Ow, that hurt Doll." He lies pretending to rub the spot. "Why are you being so violent Love I surely didn't expect that from you Doll." He teases me "Oh stop being a drama queen that didn't hurt  at all." I tell him. " Yes it did." He retorts back. "Nope I'm not doing this with you right now." I say shaking my head. He pulls me closer to him wrapping his hands around me. I lean back resting my head on his shoulder. Putting my hands on top his while rubbing smooth circles on them. We just sit quietly enjoying each others company letting the warm weather bath us. Ace decided to chill in the garden for bit and dragged me along with him when I told him I had to go visit my siblings. "You know you still haven't told me what you and your brothers we're discussing in the room yesterday nor have you told me why your going to see them today." He says breaking the silence. "It's nothing important I can't tell you rignt now but I promise to tell you when I get back." I've been feeling guilty not telling him what's really been happening his the closest person to me and he deserves to know the truth so I decided to tell him everything when I got back. "Babe, I gotta go it's time." I struggle to get out of his big muscle arms but I manage to free myself. "I promise nothing will happen to me I promise." I lean over giving his forehead and nose a light kiss. When I'm about to stand he stops me."I have a really really bad feeling about you leaving this place but I'm going to let you go because you want to go. But please I'm begging you to please call me when you get there." He looks really concerned . "Don't worry I'll call you when I get there." Smiling at him, His a bit hesitant but he lets me go. I look back one more time  blowing him a kiss. He flushes me a small smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but shrug it off heading to the car. I say bye to everyone on my way out.
Twenty minutes in my drive Something tells me someone is following me. I check in the rearview mirror and see a black SUV trailing me. " Okay, Come down I'm sure it's nothing." I say taking a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I move to the other lane to check if it's really following me and I see it move in my lane driving dangerously close to me making my blood run cold. "Fuck it's really following me." I grab my phone with shaky hands dialing Ace he picks up after the first ring. " A-Ace someone is following me." I croak out. I hear  moving  around at the end of the line. "Shit! Baby how far are you?" He asked. "Uhmmm Twenty minutes." The car suddenly bumps into my car making me scream, At the sudden jerk. "Doll what's wrong!" He yells. "The car just bumped into my car I'm scared." I cry out. it bumps into me again making me  swerve a little. I'm scared shit-less right now tears start running down my cheeks. " Baby are you almost there." He asked. " I'm seventeen minutes behind you." I see it move  from behind me speeding to my left we're now head to head. I try to see whose driving but the windows are tinted. It swerves to my side pushing my car off the road. I scream losing control of my car heading straight for the tree." Doll what was that? what happened? Doll! Doll! Please talk to me." Ace's voice is the last thing I hear before I pass out.

Beep . Beep. Beep. Beep
The annoying sound of that machine is what slowly brings me back to conscious. I open my eyes but close them back from the excess light. I take a minute and do it again but this time I open them slowly. I look around and see Ace sleeping on the uncomfortable chair in the room. Looks like I'm in a hospital room. There's some massive sense of Dèjá'vu. I try to sit up but moan from the pain the slight movement I make. Ace wakes up from the noise he quickly moves to my side holding my hand in his. "Doll your awake. I can't believe your awake." He smiles down at me. His eyes are puffy red with bags under his eyes, his hair looks messy like he kept on pulling at it and his clothes Jesus Christ he looks like he hasn't bathed or slept in forever. " I-" I try to speak but the dryness on my throat constricts me. He quickly gets the cup of water putting it close to my mouth I take a few sips enjoying how it goes down my throat making me sigh. " What happened to me?" I ask him. "You were in an accident." Immediately he says that everything comes back at once. I hear the machine make a loud noise at the raise of my heartbeat. " Hey,Hey relax take small breaths for me."I follow his instructions breathing in and out. The door opens everyone rushing in. "Oh my God baby your wake." Both mothers sob coming to my side. They each give me a kiss on my cheek. "You really scared us baby." Mama says stroking my hair.

Shortly the Doctor walks in. His a man in his late thirties blonde hair, brown eyes. Slender nose, small lips and a lean body. Overall his really good looking. Hey don't judge me his really good looking. "I see your wake." He comes towards me standing beside my bed. He checks my vitals giving a quick check up  making sure everything is okay. "Well you seem to be getting better."He tells me. "How bad is it." I ask him. "Doll I don't think-"Ace starts but I cut him off. " No I need to know Ace it's fine." I give him a smile. I look at the Doctor waiting for him to start. "you have a cut on your head due to the impact to the steering wheel, two broken rib's, broken leg, one sprained wrist, broken arm,sore back you'll have to be on bed rest for a bit, your neck will be sore too and shoulder pain due to angle you were found in. You don't have any internal injures luckily in enough they got you out fast so no burns too. I'd say your a really lucky girl." He finishes  off everything. I'm surprised I'm still alive. "Thank you." I whisper to him.  Before I know what's happening I fall back to sleep. Soft hands stroke my hair smoothly and I'm out like a light.

I hope you enjoy the two chapters I've wrote for you.

anyhooooo don't forget to
Byeeeeeeeeee 👋👋👋

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