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Lunch as been wonderful we chatted non stop but I know she's dreading to ask what really happened five years ago. " Sweetie can I ask you something?" She asks eagerly, Here goes nothing. " Yeah sure." I nod. "Why did you leave honey? Was it me? Did I do anything wrong?" Her eyes glistening with tears. I look at her shocked why would she ever think I left because of her. Becky answers before I say anything. "Wendy I can assure you your not the reason she left. Heather has told us nothing but good things about you. You we're one of the people she hated leaving behind." She tells her. " Really" she looks at me. I put out my hands on the table signalling for her to put hers on top of mine, when she does I hold them tightly looking straight into her eyes. " Mom I can promise you that you we're never the reason I left. in fact I've hated myself for the last five years for leaving you behind. Or not even trying to get a hold of you. I love you so much I regret for not trying a little be harder ."

Her tears fall down making me hate myself even more." I'm so sorry." I whisper shamefully this is all my fault I know I lost my phone but I should have tried harder. I can't believe she thinks I left because of her and what pisses me even more. is that those idiots didn't have the balls to tell her what really happened that day. "It's okay sweetie it's my fault for being a bit melodramatic crying my eyes out." She says wiping her tears. "Oh, no mom your not being melodramatic you have every right to cry. I would too if I woke up one today and found my child gone." After a pause." I promise to tell you everything but why don't we first enjoy our time here together then the rest will come later." I add. She nods " Is it okay if we go home?" She asked a little nervous. I look back at Becky and her eyes meet mine giving me the same look I have. How can I say no when mom looks at me with so much hope in her eyes. " Yeah sure let's go." I shrug my shoulder. Her face brightens at my answer. I laugh nervously. Oh boy.

Telling you I was nervous to go back there would be an understatement. My leg kept on bouncing up and down and I could tell Becky was irritated with the looks she kept shooting at me. I can't do this maybe we should go back home. "Well it's too late for that." She says with a scoff. Shit I said that out loud. "I know" I sigh. "You better tell your man where we're going." She reminds me. Oh, fuck don't even remind me I mentally groan. We came in sperate cars so now we're following mom behind. And soon enough we we're driving through the drive way. " This is where you lived." She asks looking as stunned as i did the first time. " Yes" I reply. We get out slamming the doors shut, I stand looking at the place for a moment. It really hasn't changed too. " Come on in." Mom calls leaving us to trail behind. Feels like yesterday when I walked through this very same door, it still looks beautiful and different this time. " Not bad." Becky mutters bedside me. "Sweetie why don't you take Becky in the lounge  while I grab us some refreshments." She tells me walking towards the kitchen. I lead her into the lounge sitting side by side. "Ace keeps texting me what should I tell him?" She asked. That man I'm telling you. We all know his going to come here and drag us out if he finds out we're here. "Just tell him we're still at the diner." I whisper lowly at her. She texts vigorously on the phone for minute before putting it back in her purse. Shortly mom comes in with our drinks. " I didn't know what you wanted so I just got us some lemonade." She announces." Don't worry mom lemonade is just fine." I assure her sipping my cup of drink. "Hearing you call me mom feels so surreal." She smiles so brightly. I smile back at her. It usually does.

Mom has been asking me a few questions trying to fill in the blank spaces for the last five years. " So baby how did you meet the black family?" She asked. "I bumped into them at a small restaurant down town the night I left, right after the incident." "What incident?" She asked confused. Oh shit I didn't even realise what I said. I look at Becky for help but she encourages me to go on. "Uhhh well right after I left home I got att-" I get interrupted by the sudden noise coming from the front door. My siblings are here. Just great, I roll my eyes. They stop talking and all eye's fall on us. "Oh, great your all here." Mom turns facing them. I face Becky not able to look at them. " Bubble." Someone calls. My head whirls up in that direction, My eyes meet the same emerald green eyes we share. His definitely grown, The once lean body has sculptured into a man's body, His almost Dante's height. His hair is now longer than the last time and now his keeping a trimmed beard he looks really good. " Bear" I say lowly running into his arms. He catches me in time but steps back little because of the force. I bury my head in the crook of his neck breathing in his woodsy scent, I missed him so much. "My Bubble it's really you. Your back." He rubs circles on my back. After a few more minutes he pulls back bringing his hands on my shoulder. "Look at you. Your no longer my fifteen year old baby sister." He chuckled making me giggle a little. "I'm so mad at you. But first I need to hug you because I can't believe your here." He hugs me one more time. "Mum why didn't you tell me Heather was here." He asks furrowing his eyebrows at his mom. " Baby we met yesterday at the gala and decided to meet up for lunch and I dragged her back here so we could catch up a little." She replies. " Bear stop it. I'm here now we can catch up." I pull his attention away from her.

" Bear I want you to meet my best friend and sister Becky Black. Becky meet my lovely brother Josh Reigns. She stretches out her hand at Josh to shake. " It's nice to meet the famous Josh Reigns." She says with a simle. "Awww, Bubles you talk about me. Well I guess I can forgive you a little." He gushes before adding. "It's nice to meet you too beautiful." He greets making Becky blush. Oh okay, I'll pretend I didn't just see that. " Heather" I hear a voice call, my body tenses. We all turn to see Case step forward making me step backwards bumping into Josh and Becky. My movement halts his steps. I take a deep breath facing my mom." Mom I think Becky and I need to leave." She pouts her lower lip. " Sweetie why don't you stay longer." She asks. " Plus you were about to tell me what happened to you when you left the house." She adds. That peaks up everyone's attention and all eye's fall on me again. Great just what I needed. " Bubble what is she talking about?" He asks looking at me. " I-I got attacke-" This time my phone interrupts me. Patting my pocket I get it out and answer. "Hello."Ace's Voice speaks." Doll where are you?" he asked "And don't lie to me I know your not there." He adds. " I'm at my mom's place." I tell him. He goes quiet for second and I remove the phone from my ear checking if his still there. I check and the call is still on so why isn't he talking. " Hello." I try. "Doll, get back home now." He says before hanging up. Great. I'm in so much trouble." I'm so sorry mom, Josh but we can't stay any longer." I tell them. " Who was that?" "Why?" Mom and Josh ask at the same time. "Well that was Ace. His Becky's brother and the person I live with." I tell Josh who has a skeptical look on his face definitely not liking the idea of me living with a man. Which makes me roll my eyes at him. "Mom, Ace needs me back home. Why don't you both give me your numbers and I'll text you." I tell her. I get both of their numbers saving them in my phone quickly sending mine to theirs. "Well I guess I'll see you soon." I tell them hugging my brother. Placing a kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you and the Blacks come over for dinner tomorrow night." Josh suggests. Oh I know what his doing sneaky little punk. Earning him a stink eye from me. " That's a great idea baby let's do that." Mommy agrees. I look at Becky for help but seems to agree to what my mom and Josh said. Stupid traitor. " Sure I'll tell them." I say, she smiles happy. And joshy boy here is giving me an evil smirk. "Okay we gotta leave." I give mom  a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Text me when you get home." Josh tells me. " I will Bear." I give him one last hug. When Becky mumbles a small goodbye and her cheeks heat up. Oh wow. We turn to the doorway and find the rest of my siblings blocking our way. " Excuse me." I say sternly without bothering to look at them. From the corner of my eye I see Dante and Case try to speak but Becky speaks before they do. "I know you heard her, Move." She says coldly. They all move and we brush past against them without sparing them a glance.

Hope you like chapter nineteen
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I'm excited for the dinner aren't you?...

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