Sober Sunshine - Crosshair x Drunk Reader

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Warnings: mentions of alcohol, being drunk and mentions of a hangover.

Sober Sunshine.
"If you're aiming to piss me off then we're well past that point now, y/n." Crosshair Snarled, chewing his toothpick which you were surprised hadn't Snapped yet. He was pissed and you found it funny when he was mad, it was a lovely reminder on how well you knew him and his emotions. However, this time you hadn't actually intended to piss him off as much as you had. Why was he so enraged? Well you decided you needed a night away from the others and you had intended to just walk around the city you had landed at, Coruscant. However you ended up at 79's and you may have had one or two glasses too many of your favourite drink and had been dancing around with a couple of regs. The issue wasn't with the regs though, his words not yours. It's because it's Currently way past midnight and you'd passed out across the bar, sprawled across the majority of it. This proved to be a nuisance though to the owner of the bar and had luckily grabbed your comm and asked if anybody was there and able to come and get you. Unfortunately for you it wasn't one of your best friends, Wrecker, to answer it. Crosshair was on watch at that time and had to have Echo take his shift whilst he came to get you and drag you out. You had woken once Cross picked you up into his arms, thanking the bar owner for keeping an eye on you and left. As soon as the cold air had hit your face, it had most certainly woken you up even if things were spinning a little and you felt like jelly.

This was how you got here with Crosshair nagging at you. Your eyes had rolled at his words, arms flopped around his neck.
"I was just having Some fun!" You argued, voice a little slurred, "Lighten up a little would ya?" Laughs left your throat involuntarily at the glare he had given you, why on earth were you finding his anger so funny?
"You know what your limit is, so I have no idea what you were thinking going over that." Sighing a little, you let your head rest against his chest as he carried you.
"Don't be mad, Cross?" Your voice was ever So gentle against him which made him soften a little. He hated being mad at you and having to tell you off but it was to keep you safe. He always meant well and always wanted you to be safe but sometimes it felt like an impossible task when you went off and did stuff like this.
"Fine." He grumbled, "But tomorrow when You wake up you won't half get an earful from both me and the others, Understood?" With a sigh and a nod, you shut your eyes a little as he walked up the attack shuttle's entrance with you mumbling a soft 'affirmative'.
"Echo, thanks. You can go now I've got her." He smiled and nodded, laughing a little at your state.
"They really did have their fun, didn't they?" He smirked at his brother's annoyed expression, leaving to go and get the rest of his sleep before daybreak. Carrying you to your bunk, he laid you there before putting the blanket over you.
"Get some rest. You'll need it." With that he had turned his back toward you, about to leave your room.
"Wait!" A pout soon appeared on your face as he stopped to turn back toward you, confusion written all over his gaze. "Won't you stay? I'm not sleepy."
"That's because you're out of it." He responded, moving over to you and sitting at the end of your bunk. You smiled, knowing that he was staying hopefully the night with you and you genuinely couldn't be happier. You'd always had a crush on him and you hoped that to some degree he loved you back too.
"I love you." Why you just said that you didn't know, but it seemed like a great idea to a certainly not sober you. The momentary silence felt like a killer, but he soon spoke up.
"Oh yeah?" That infamous smirk of his appeared against his face, the one you loved so much and sent shivers through your body. "Say it to me when you're sober." Confidence soon overtook the previous moment of worry making you grin and tug at his shoulder so he laid down beside you.
"I've always loved you..." Your voice mumbled, tiredness overtaking your body as your eyes began to flutter shut. "Too shy to say." He just chuckled at your slurred sentences before you completely went out like a light, sleep overtaking your body.

Morning soon arrived, your eyes opening to a Crosshair holding you against his chest, fingers lacing through your hair.
"Morning, Sunshine." Crosshair smiled, a rare sight to be sure but a welcome one. You managed to smile back before the headache kicked in, making you wince a little from the sudden pain. "And that's your punishment for yesterday." Memories of the whole event came rushing back in bits, your confession being the most prominent one to return.
"I love you." Your voice reminded him as he trailed his thumb against your reddened cheek, a kiss being placed against your forehead at your sober confession.
"I love you too."

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