Stay With Me - Hunter x FemReader

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Warnings: Violence and Injury!

Stay with me

Cid had another mission for you and the rest of The Bad Batch, which in all honesty, you were pretty thrilled about due to the high pay in credits. It would definitely give you enough to get your new gun upgrades with your share. Though, as the others had reminded you, the higher the pay the harder the mission would be and in all honesty you didn't take their words seriously until now. Currently, you were dragging yourself in your custom armour through the desert sweating and desperate for some kind of shade. Hunter was walking beside you, chuckling at your tired self as he fiddled with his knife. Only you two had been assigned to this area, the other four sticking with the ship to do some mandatory repairs.

"Are we almost there?" You sighed, making sure your blaster was still hooked securely against your hip and trying your best to keep up with Hunter who really didn't seem to mind the heat. He laughed a little more, turning toward you as he softly grabbed your arm to pull you closer.

"Keep up, soldier." Hunter reminded, placing his knife back against his arm and gazing around the deserted and broken ships covered in sand. "We shouldn't be too far off, we should head to that ship over there." His finger pointed toward a half broken star destroyer which seemed to have been deserted for many years, luckily for you two.

"It looks uh, pretty broken up." You tilted your head a little as you both grew closer. "Is this definitely where the shipment is?" Hunter crouched alongside it, checking for a control panel he just knew was nearby despite the sand coating most of it.

"Affirmative." Chuckling at his words, you crouched down beside him placing your knees against the sand that sunk down a little. You were familiar with this from your home planet, remembering how sand was always accompanied with a huge ocean - unfortunately not here though on Jakku. You swore if there was water right now you'd definitely be in it, kriff the credits. "Found it!" Hunter grinned as he slammed the control panel with one punch, the door opening and allowing sand to fall into it along with you two. The drop wasn't much, just enough to make you wobble a little and lose your footing. Hunter luckily had caught you, his arms around you which caused your face to heat up. Thank stars for your signature helmet, though you were pretty certain Hunter had picked up on your increased heart rate. Adjusting yourself with a little cough, you allowed your eyes to scan the ship you were on whilst activating your helmet torch with Hunter doing the same.

"Right, find the supply shipment then we can head back to the Havoc, right?" You began to follow in his footsteps, keeping your blasters in your hands.

"Yeah, sounds simple enough but there are gonna be some obstacles I'm certain." Hearing the footsteps belonging to you both echo around the metal hallway you both lingered in, you allowed a light sigh.

"Obstacles? Like what?" You practically felt his grin with his blaster in hand ensuring the coast was clear.

"This is your first time at Jakku, right?" You could only nod in response, genuinely curious to the dangers you both may face. "This place is home to thieves, outlaws and scavengers - just be on lookout alright?" You smirked under your helmet before turning the corner with him.

"Nothing we can't handle, right?" Hunter stifled a laugh as you both approached another room, slamming the control panel down as it opened - surprised to find the room well lit with electricity pumping through the circuits. Keeping your blaster on you, you began to look around the room keeping an eye out for the crate you were assigned to collect.

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