Hear Me - Tech x Gn!Reader

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Hear me
Crouching behind Tech, you began to adjust your blaster before taking out any oncoming enemies that threatened you and Tech. He was currently typing into a control panel attempting to hack into the systems to get the door open which in all honesty seemed like a simple task, but there seemed to be a few complications.
"How much longer do you need?" You asked, panting a little being completely out of breath from all of the running around and shooting. You two always got yourselves into these situations and yet it still come as a shock to both of you. He huffed a little, fiddling with a few loose wires that you swore weren't present beforehand. Those wires sparked which made him curse lightly under his breath in response.
"Kriff! I'm not sure, just keep holding them off y/n." He paused for a moment, typing into his datapad rather quickly, "I'm almost done." Nodding softly you walked forward between the caves walls, the light of the sun illuminating your current enimes which made things much easier for you despite being cornered within a dusty and untrustworthy looking cave.

Continuing to shoot your blasters and taking out the closer enemies, you noticed a grenade trailing beneath your feet and blinking rapidly with a light beep that Sent waves of terror shooting throughout Your body.
"Move!" You yelled just as Tech finally managed to open the door and turned to face you unknowing to the bomb until the last possible second. Your body threw itself against his own to shield him from the blast, both of you being blown into the next room violently. Tech shut the doors with his datapad giving you both the safety you worked so hard for.
"Y/n!" His voice shouted, moving over to where the blast had thrown your body. Your eyes were shut, blood running down your cheeks from the debris that had cut into your face. Panic overtook his body as he laid your head upon his lap, hands shaking as he reached into your emergency medipack to grab some bacta plasters and wipes. "It's alright, I'm here." Once the cool texture began to soothe your skin, your eyes opened slowly only to see nothing. Everything was dark apart from some disorientated blobs, one of which you assumed was Tech. Fear consumed your body as you held onto him, breathing becoming rapid and frantic.
"Tech, I cant see." His eyes met yours as your hand grabbed onto him for the knowledge that he was with you and holding you against him.
"The grenade, it's caused some temporary blindness, you'll be okay but we need to get out of here." His words seemed to be tailored to soothing himself as he gazed at you, panic on his face which was unfortunately something you couldn't see. "Can you hear me okay, cyar'ika?" Tech held you in his arms as he stood before gently placing you on your feet.
"Y-Yeah, I can hear you." He nodded and grabbed the rest of his items that were scattered around the room and activated his comm system.
"We need a pick up - stat. Y/n is injured and there's no sight of our target. I'm certain it was a trap. Come around the back of the cave system the front is blocked." Once he sent the correct coordinates his arms wrapped around you, picking you up and holding you against his chest. "Listen to me, y/n - we're going to get out of here just hold onto me." Shutting your eyes against him, you allowed the sound of his voice to calm you as he ran through the twists and turns of the caves before finally reaching the light. "You can't be exposed to bright lights right now, mesh'la - here..." Without another word he removed his own helmet and placed it upon you, activating a certain mode that darkened everything which was a rapid relief to your head.
"Tech you need this..." He shook his head using his free arm to Shelter any remaining sharp light from your eyes,
"I can do without for now, but I can't do without you." Running across the open terrain, a sigh of relief was felt once the familiar hum of the Havoc Marauder filled the air - landing with Echo at the entrance, helping Tech up and ensuring you were safe in his arms. Once you were both in the ship safely, it took off with the others rushing in the room to help.
"What happened?" Hunter asked, face full of concern as he gazed at your fragile form in Tech's arms with his helmet on. You smiled a little against Tech, clinging on to him and knowing you were safe now.
"There was a grenade and I couldn't move out of the way in time so I've lost my sight. but it's only temporary!" With your words, you felt like there was a shift in atmosphere, unknowing to Tech's pained expression.
"They saved my life, they pushed me away." Gently patting his armour you shook your head,
" No Tech, you saved both our lives- if you didn't get that door open then we'd both be dead. Thank you for saving me." A gentle smile grew on your lips as Tech's thumb rubbed across your cheek, ensuring he avoided the broken skin from earlier. The others smiled lightly, laying a hand upon his shoulder.
"Good job you two, now go and get some rest." Yawns left your body as Tech moved away and into the bedding areas, laying you within his bunk after removing his helmet from you. Once he was in his blacks, he laid beside you with his hand upon your back.
"Your sight should return by morning, y/n." Snuggling into his warmth you nodded and began to feel sleep tug at your mind. "I'll be the first thing you see when you wake up." You chuckled at his small fact, playfully rolling your eyes - a common reaction with him around, sight or not.
"I can't wait to see your smile in the morning, you know... It makes me happy." Your words had turned into light mumbles as you finally fell asleep against him and the soft blankets that covered you. Though you had forgotten your words from last night, once you opened your eyes he gave you the biggest most beautiful smile ever after gaining your sight back, and he continued to do so every single morning. He'd do anything to see you happy, so if it was a smile you wanted? You'd have it.

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