Online Class - The Bad Batch x Gn!Reader

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Online Class.
Another great day cooped up in your bunk staring at the blank screen of your datapad, it was early and you had another online class to attend. With each second passing by, the ticking of time just felt angrier at you. You knew you had to attend the class but it was just so difficult to do so. What was stopping you? The crushing weight of anxiety against your chest or maybe the darkened clouds lurking within your mind making everything harder and harder. Sighing, you throw the datapad across your bed and drag your way through the attack shuttle, sitting in the co-pilot's seat beside Tech who gazed over at you rather confused. The boys on this ship were family and you adored them, they took you in and you became the youngest but most valued member of the team.
"Y/n?" He asked, putting the ship onto autopilot so he could turn to you, "Isn't there an online class you should be attending?" Whilst rolling your eyes crossed your arms. It wasn't that simple to just do it when there were so many things on your mind. Online class was the last thing to cross your mind so why was it the first on theirs?
"Don't feel like it." He hummed in response as Hunter walked in, ruffling your hair.
"Morning kid!" His cheery voice made you smile a little, even though the clark clouds were saying not to. "Haven't you got an online class to attend to?" With that you instantly stood, anger and upset taking over your body.
"Why is everybody so caught up on that?" You felt your legs pull You back to your bunk, throwing yourself against it and covering your head. You didn't want to move, why did it feel like everything was against you?

Hearing the door slide open you just sighed and curled up to yourself, searching for some sort of comfort.
"Hey, y/n? I heard that you got a little upset…" Echo's voice was filled with concern and love, his eyes gazing at your fragile seeming form before sitting on your bed beside you. "Are you struggling with classes, little one?" Tears were currently gathering in your eyes and you were doing your best to keep them from falling. It's not that you were struggling with classes, though they were difficult sometimes, it was just how everything felt so difficult to do. How even the smaller tusks like getting up and out of bed felt so overwhelming. "You know I'm here for you right? All of us are…" Those previous tears fell down your cheeks, sobs wracking through your body. Echo immediately held you in his arms, holding you safely and rubbing your back as the others ran in quickly due to the sound of your pain.
"Y/n hey hey, it's okay It's gonna be just fine." You heard Wreckers voice pipe up, Lula soon within your arms as Echo held you on his lap. Hugging her tightly you couldn't help but just cry a little more, this just felt so tough to explain. Crosshair soon sat beside Echo, moving strands of hair away from your eyes and rubbing your arm.
"We've got you... What's the issue, little one?" Even Crosshair's voice was filled with concern.
"Everything feels horrible, I'm sad constantly and online class just feels impossible so I've been skipping them…" In all honesty you had expected Tech to be upset with you, he was always so persistent about you leaning. He soon crouched before you, hads upon your knees to steady himself.
"That's understandable, things are tough lately hm?" You could only nod at his words in return, "That's okay, It's okay to be depressed - let's put you first okay? Kriff online class, let's do Tech's class!" You laughed lightly at his swear, Hunter slapping his shoulder and scolding him for swearing. "Ahem, my bad. But why don't we lend and look around for a while?" Nodding lightly, you offered him a light smile.
"Okay." With that he rushed away with his own Smile, leading the ship to a nearby quiet planet he just knew you'd love.
"My turn to hold them." You heard Cross speak as he held you in his arms with a soft smile. Echo pouted a little but nodded as he kept you safe.
"It's going to be alright, we're with you - things will feel better soon."

Time had passed and you were now being held by Hunter, Lula still in your arms once the ship had landed. Wrecker soon laughed and lifted you with ease, holding you on his shoulder eager to see the world around you all. Once you had stepped out, the warm sunshine hit your face in a greeting hug whilst the land before you practically shone in vibrant colours. Tech smiled after making Wrecker put you down, taking your hand and leading you to the tall grass that stood against the tree flowering above you.
"Depression is tough, but I wanted to show you that this universe holds many secrets and locations that are waiting for you. The world isn't just class, so I don't want you feeling bad for putting your health first." Nodding lightly, Tech took in a gentle breath, passing you a flower. "You're so important to us, I can't Stress that enough. Let's take things Step by step okay?" He gently tucked the flower behind your ear before chuckling as the others arrived, hands filled with a variety of flowers they had picked for you.
"Let us know when you're ready and we'll take the online class with you!" Wrecker smiled as he spoke, the sun still leaving you warm.

It wasn't until the next day that you were ready to take the class, but when you were the boys had squeezed onto your bunk with you which made your teacher confused, but they continued anyway. It was an eventful lesson in all honesty as Tech ended up correcting your teacher so much he hacked the class, muted the teacher and taught everybody himself. Crosshair had fallen asleep on you, Echo was beyond confused so you had to help him out. Wrecker had gotten himself a little too excited with yelling and cheering whilst Hunter was trying to keep them all under control. It felt better, the Cloud would heal soon and they'd stay with you and face it with you no matter what.

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