Saved - Hunter X FemReader

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Warnings: Detailed description of a nightmare and fear.

Everything was absolutely pitch black as you attempted to pull yourself through the weighted darkness that seemed to attach itself to you. You pulled against its attempts to bring you back into it but you refused - you were stronger than any darkness and you knew that.

"Hunter?" You called out, voice strong for the moment as you managed to take more steps forward. "Hunter, where are you? We need to get out of here, this is ridiculous!" Your voice turned into a plea as you pulled against the dark some more, fists clenched trying to get your blaster that rested against your leg. What was this? And actually, where were you? You could have sworn you were back on the Havoc Marauder. Maybe you didn't realize you had woken up and you got dragged out on this mission?

"You left." A familiar voice stated as your eyes gazed around the dark trying to find the owner of the beautiful voice. "You just left me for dead." Those words filled your mind with a past memory, one where you all had to leave Hunter laying on the ground in pain. It was his order to go though, it had happened before but this time was different. You were almost certain he was going to die and that terrified you. Things worked out though, you saved the day as did your brothers and everything went back to normal thankfully after a few tears. Maybe more than a few.

"You know we didn't have a choice - you ordered us to!" You allowed your lungs to take a sharp breath in. "But it's alright now we're all okay." Those words were to soothe the both of you but it didn't seem to be working. Hunter walked toward you - a harsh look laid upon his face. "Hunter." You repeated on instinct, trying to get closer to him desperately attempting to hug him tightly and never let go.

"You failed me."

Those eyes of yours snapped open as you flung yourself forward in bed, struggling to catch your breath. You were shaking a little, sweat beaded upon your forehead as you gently laid your head in your hands. A nightmare. That's all, that's all it was. But why did it leave your heart hammering against your chest and tears welling in your eyes if it was just a nightmare? Things hurt, everything ached from what felt like fighting against the darkness to get to him. A soft knock at your door made you gasp, shaking a little more as you hid against your blankets doing your best not to cry! You were a warrior, one of the best fighters they had. Why did a nightmare shake you this much? Things just felt so scary, it didn't feel like you were gonna wake up.

"Come in." Your voice mustered, rubbing your eyes to attempt to rid of the tears that threatened to fall. A familiar figure walked in with a worried gaze upon his face.

"Y/n..." Hunter whispered, softly walking over to place himself on the side of your bed. "Is everything alright?" You sniffed a little, gazing at him and attempting the best smile you could.

"I'm fine! How come? Is everything alright?" You didn't realize your hands were gripping the white sheeted blanket until Hunter's hand ever so gently laid themselves on top of them, rubbing his thumb rhythmically over your skin.

"I heard you calling for me." His words were gentle, unlike the tone he used in your dream, "Are you sure you're alright?" You gazed downward a little, allowing some tears to fall as you spoke.

"Nightmare."That word alone made Hunter nod in understanding, suffering with them himself. You had always comforted him through his terrifying nightmares, his screams leaving you shaking but you never failed to calm him down and cheer him up. He soon turned, leaning himself against your pillow as he pulled you gently against your chest. Your long hair softly covered your eyes but he didn't hesitate to move his fingertips across your cheek to move your hair away.

"Hey... it's alright. Everything's over now." You wanted to believe him so badly, the feeling of his beating heart helped - knowing he was alive and really here. This wasn't another dream, this was reality. He was here and okay, so were you and the rest of the Bad Batch."What happened, Mesh'la?" That word made you smile a little as you rubbed your tear filled eyes.

"You were mad at me and something was holding me back... it was so dark and you were so angry." You paused for a moment, attempting to suppress a sob. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you!" He hushed you gently, playing with your hair with one hand, the other gently holding the one that was shaking against the blanket.

"You didn't leave me, I promise you that." His voice was so calming and his heartbeat was prominent yet so soothing as it drummed softly against your ear with your head against his chest. "You saved my life, y/n! You're the strongest girl I know. You protect us all on a daily basis and I couldn't be prouder." He gave you that signature smile of his, hands intertwining with your own. "It's gonna be alright, y/n. Things will get easier. I'm not going to leave you." You sniffed a little more, nodding against his chest.

"You promise?" Your sleepy voice asked, cheeks red from the tears staining your cheeks.

"I promise, Mesh'la." Your eyes began to shut a little before they opened wide again - terrified of another nightmare and waking up without Hunter beside you. "Hey it's alright, trust me now okay? I won't go." Ever so softly, you tugged the blanket over him too with a soft smile knowing he genuinely spoke the truth. With him around it never took long to feel better from a nightmare or a wound. He was always there and you were always there for him, that's how things ran here. He chuckled a little against your head, smiling softly. "Sleep, y/n. You have a big day dealing with us tomorrow, hm?" Your eyes finally allow themselves to shut and allow the feeling of sleep to start taking over.

"Thank you, Hunter." Your voice whispered before everything fell away from you except from Hunter's arms as you fell into another dream one, a beautiful one this time. It was filled with sunshine and the group of men you adored so much. Hunter held you as you walked around gazing at the beautiful flowers with Tech explaining every single one. Wrecker was picking some and shoving them toward Echo who just sighed, Crosshair was chuckling as he leant against a tree - a rare smile against his lips. Everything was okay, they were here and with you.

Hunter was with you, it's alright now.

A/N: I really hope this was everything you wanted! :D I tried to include a little bit about Hunter's nightmares too as both of you protect and help eachother! :) If there's anything you don't like about it let me know! I'll happily add or remove anything you dislike :3 Thank you so much for your request! I really loved writing it! :D

The Bad Batch x Reader Oneshots.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ