Messy Situations - Echo x Gn!Reader

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Messy Situations.
"How do we always get into this mess?" Echo shouted toward you, trying to be louder than the bullets that loomed over your heads. You were both Currently hiding behind a rock that granted you some cover, but droids were unfortunately Surrounding you because someone 'accidentally' compromised your position.

"I have this funny feeling that this is on you." You couldn't help but laugh at his shocked expression before he fired a few more bullets toward the clankers.

"Me? You're the one who compromised our position!" He chuckled a little at your own shocked face, your arms folded across your chest with a little pout sulking at his words. In all honesty he loved it when you sulked like that, he found it absolutely adorable and it was a strong reason why he teased you so much.

"Now I wasn't the one who fell over was I? You can be so clumsy for a soldier." You lightly shoved his shoulder which made him grin before you both began to back away, shooting more bullets toward them.

"Hey guys, hang on - we're on our way to pick you up now." Hunter spoke through the comm system which led you both to relax a little as the sound of the beloved attack shuttle came toward the two of you battling off droids. Echo smirked at you,

"Here come our saviours again." You rolled your eyes,

"I saved your butt back there too!" He grinned, dodging a few more bullets before grabbing you. "Let's go!" The Havoc Marauder landed which allowed the both of you to run up it's steps and throw yourselves inside safe from the blazing bullets that stalked you both. Tech shut the doors and soon moved away from the planet you had previously been assigned too - mission finally accomplished. You both let out a deep breath, pulling yourselves from the ground.

"Thanks!" Echo greeted the brothers with a smile as Wrecker helped him up laughing lightly at your tired states. "The blaster fire seriously didn't let up for a second." Brushing himself off he grinned toward you waiting for your sassy comment which you happily gave,

"That's because our dear Echo gave away our position." Your eyes filled with mischief as you turned to face him. "Didn't you love?" Echo instantly blushed at your words which was pretty obvious against his snowy coloured skin, his hands moving to cover it as Wrecker pushed his shoulder lightly.

"Shy are you?" You laughed at Wrecker teasing him before you stretched and sighed at your sweaty body. The planet you had been fighting on didn't really have the best weather, the heat absolutely killing you and it slowed things down for your mission - not that you minded though of course.

"Right!" You announced, smiling toward the others. "I'm off to shower, don't wait up for me!" Turning away from the boys, you headed toward your comfort clothes grabbing them and making your way to the fresher. You'd always loved missions with Echo, especially ones where you were both alone together. Why? Well it was the growing connection you both had and absolutely loved adding to the growing love you shared and watching it blossom. Whether the love he added to this metaphorical bucket was platonic or not you didn't know. He was still a little wary of love due to following the whole no attachment role of the clone wars but with your loving behaviour to him you had hoped he had warmed up to the idea of it.

After your shower and pulling on your comfort clothes you began to make your way to the cockpit hoping to see Echo there waiting for you. Luckily your silent prayers to the force were answered as he sat trying to deal with his mechanical arm that had seemed to have malfunctioned within the intense heat you had both been exposed to. Night had soon fallen as you walked further in, Sitting beside Echo with a smile.

"Hey!" You chirped, gazing at his current work. "Need some help?" He chuckled a little at your offer to help, something he was so used to hearing.

"Now when have I ever passed up an opportunity for your help?" His words responded, making you smile, still loving absolutely every second spent with him. Every interaction with him always left a warm fuzzy feeling within your heart. Grabbing the needed tools, you gently assessed the situation and began to work away, your tongue peeking out in concentration at the task at hand.

"Y/n?" Hunter smiled down at you chuckling at your concentration. "We're heading off to bed and Echos is staying up on the first watch. Are you coming?" Shaking your head still engrossed at the task at hand you managed to mumble out some words.

"I don't wanna go yet." Hunter nodded and ruffled your hair and walked away with the others.

"Alright, kids - be good." He smiled before they all disappeared together leaving you with Echo and your little project that was Iuckily just about done.

"There we go!" You grinned placing down the tools in your hand. "Feels like new, don't you think?" Chuckling he softly agreed before staring at you a little quizzically.

"How come you wanted to stay after being Stuck with me the entire day?"

"Stuck? I love spending time with you, Echo." You smiled a little, lightly punching his shoulder to hide the blush creeping onto your cheeks.

"You do? Why?" Wouldn't he just shush with the questions?

"Because I love you, idiot." As soon as those words left your mouth you threw a hand over to block anymore confessions leaving your throat.

"Love me?" He sighed with what you thought was annoyance. "You love me?" Standing, you attempted to brush the whole misslip of a confession away from the atmosphere.

"No nothing don't worry about it - anyway let's just move on." Your words held hurt and he knew that as he stood, placing a hand against your shoulder and turning you to face him.

"I love you too, I always have." Your eyes grew wide in genuine surprise, he did? Seriously? Why didn't he say anything? Then again why didn't you until now?

"Do you really? You don't have to pretend..." With a gentle warning of his hand lacing through your hair and his lips growing closer toward yours he finally kissed you which in the past was something you could only dream of.

" I love you, y/n, and only you, Meshla."

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