Mishap Mechanic's - Wrecker x Gn!Reader

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Mishap Mechanics
"Oh my god." Your voice mumbled as you walked into the cockpit, eyes instantly falling upon a guilty looking wrecker. "What happened? Who broke the ship again?" All the boys pointed toward one another trying to put the blame on different members before Wrecker hesitantly spoke up.
"Nah uhm, it was actually me. I didn't mean to, I just forgot my own strength again." His voice was gentle, his hand rubbing the back of his head. It was a cute habit he had picked up whenever he was guilty. You smiled a little, walking closer to him to place your hand comfortingly on his shoulder.
"Hey that's alright, don't worry about it!" Your smile made his arm drop, a smile of his own replacing the previous frown he wore. "I'm glad you're honest unlike the others here." They huffed a little at your words before you took a look at the damage. "The hyperdrive is down, I'll have to start fixing that now. Can you all give me some peace to do so?" Your words were laced with a joking tone causing the others to smirk a little at your pushy behaviour. Only Tech was the one who spoke up, a little bothered.
"I'm more than capable of fixing the hyperdrive, I've fixed it countless times!" You crossed your arms a little, tilting your head with a grin.
"And I was assigned as your medic and your mechanic because I'm good at what I do." You took a breath before turning back toward the mess, "That way you can all focus on your missions and not smaller tasks like this." The others just shuffled Tech away and left the room, Wrecker staying beside you.
"Do you think I could stay?" He asked, staring at you softly. "I wanna help you, it is my mess after all." His words made your heart melt, he always got himself into mechanical messes that had to be cleaned up and it most certainly wasn't his fault.
"Of course you can, come lay with me and we can work on it together!" Your eyes sparkled as you laid underneath the control panel, gently starting to prod at the mess of wires.
"Thank you, y/n." Silence ensued as you fiddled with the wiring some more, asking for the passing of occasional tools to work on the chaos of a hyperdrive that thankfully was up and running.
"All done!" You beamed shuffling from underneath the control system and accepting Wreckers help to stand. As you did so, you hugged him tightly with a smile plastered across your face. "Thanks for your help, Wrecker. I really appreciate you staying with me - it gets lonely sometimes." He gently held you against him more, treating you like you were fragile as he always held the fear that he would hurt you. He coughed a little, gazing away to hide the red appearing on his face.
"Actually I was wondering if I could stay and help out more with you? I really like being around you..." You chuckled softly at his words, stepping back and crossing your arms across your chest lightly.
"You do? I don't know many people who enjoy my company..." He gazed back at you, a shocked gaze coating his face.
"Seriously? But you're amazing! Who wouldn't want to be with you?" Gasping a little at his words, you smirked a little.
"Be with me?" His hand moved to the back of his neck, his reddened cheeks becoming way more obvious.
"I mean uhm, I just - I love you." His confession was rushed but so gentle which genuinely made your heart flutter. "I understand though if you don't feel the same way I just-" Your soft laugh cut him off as you reached for his hands, holding them gently but securely.
"It's a good job I love you too then." His eyes lit up as he pulled you back into a hug, gently spinning you around in his arms unable to hide his joy. Mechanics always go wrong, but love definitely didn't.

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