chapter 8

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Angelina-  I remembered what happened last night,  me and damian almost kissed last night.

What was he thinking ? And today is another day. I dont want to think about him. Or atleast i will try. First i need to shower.

After shower i saw amy in the kitchen. Good morning amy.

Amy- i love your dress angelina.

Angelina - thankyou.

Amy - my pleasure.

Angelina - so where is your lunch. Dont you carry it for your school.

Amy - no angelina we dont carry a lunch box. Our school provides it.

Angelina - what kind of school is it.

Amy - the kind that has indoor pool, a tennis court, and a golf court.

Angelina - wow that is insane and you are not enjoying it.

Amy - you wont understand.

Priya (maid) - mam car keys on the table will you drive her to school.

Amy - we have a lamborghini venovo..... Damians choice, dont ask i want something less extravagant, but my brother you know.

Angelina - i cant drive after what happened.

Amy - angelina ?

Angelina- how can i say iam feeling anxious and my old memories are haunting like nightmares. I cant escape my past.

Amy - angelina ??

Angelina - sorry yes. I cant drive. I wont feel confident. Amy took my hands in hers. She noticed something.

Amy - dont worry angelina.

Angelina - can we walk. Is it your school so far.

Amy - only a kilometer away. And its a good idea we can walk.

Priya - i can call limo if you want.

Amy - no limo please. I dont want to draw attention.

Angelina - ok its decided, we can walk. And its a perfect weather too.

Amy - let me grab my bag and we can leave. By the way how did you manage my brother to shut the music yesterday.

Angelina - i honestly have no idea

Amy - may be you impressed him. Any way i am glad he didnt give you a hard time.

Angelina - a hard time?

Amy - he has the habit of testing everyone. He wont trust people that easily.

Angelina - testing ?

Amy - yeah if someone is genuine, whats on their mind and so on. And he is over protective sometimes.

Angelina - wait then he is testing me yesterday. Ok lets go. And we moved to elevator. Here is the devil.

Damian- amy arent you late for school?

Angelina - i rolled my eyes feeling irritated.
The question is am i irritated of him or about that testing part.

Amy - its not even 8 arent you late for your work?

Damian - indeed iam lets say something occupied my mind last night.

Angelina - he raised the eyebrow while saying that line.

The Girl He Loves So Much Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ