once upon a heart break

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Angelina - what are you talking?  You are scaring me Damian. Tell me what happened? 

Damian - it's over.

Angelina - I can't believe you. Is this a joke.

Damian - don't make things more difficult than they have to be.

Angelina - don't you think I deserve an answer.

Damian - I don't want you anymore. Don't you remember ours just a contract marriage. Just for a year. And our agreement I will take care of your orphanage and you will be my one year wife.

Angelina - but until yesterday everything is fine.

Damian - I don't like this relationship it's all bullshit.

Angelina - you told me I'm different.

Damian - yes you are and that's the problem.

Angelina - something doesn't make sense here.

Damian - just let it go Angelina. Please leave now.

Angelina - I stayed silent and I'm staring at him until he turned to my stare.

Finally he started speaking.

Damian - you told me you love me.

Angelina - that's why he is pushing me away.  I know he doesn't believe in love after what Catherine did to him. But I can see feeling for me.

What's wrong with that.

Damian - you can't love me.

Angelina - it's not your choice to make. It's mine.

He chuckled darkly. His eyes hitting me with dark intensity. Holding something inside him.

I do love you Damian.

He trapped me against wall caging me in his arms.

Damian - you don't know me Angelina.

Angelina - I may not know your past. I know the person you are. It won't change what I think about you. And I love your darkness as well as your light.

He shouted

Damian - stop it.

Angelina - I went close to him. Please Damian don't push me away. Open up to me. Let me help you.

I have a right to know Damian. I won't give up.

He is cursing now. His eyes glittering with anger.

Damian - you love the idea of me. Not who I am

Angelina - no Damian. I love you for you.
He laughed coldly which is sending shivers in me.

Damian - you love a man who grew up like a rat on the street, Angelina.

A man who got beaten up. Who begged for food.

A man whose mother is a fucking who're that men abused. A man born because of her services.

A man who did nothing when those men disrespected her.

I was fucking nobody. Just a coward.

Angelina - you were just a child Damian back then.

What you have gone through is terrible. You are worth so much more. You are an amazing person.

Damian - don't you understand. Amy's mom adopted me. She loved me and now she is dead. And I loved Catherine and she cheated me. And you just last night you almost dead.

That's what happens people around me.

Angelina - how can you think like that. With everything that's happening. You are still a best person I know. You take care of everyone. You love Amy. You treated me with respect.

Damian - you should be repulsed by who I'm.

Angelina - I will never repulsed by you. But now I understand you.

Damian - I'm not good enough for you Angelina. Leave me.

Angelina - you are the best thing happened to me Damian.

Damian - I'm sorry Angelina. It's over.

Angelina - can't you understand I want you.

Damian - lead a happy life Angelina. I transferred million dollars into your account.

Angelina - I don't give any damn about your money.

Damian - you deserve it.

Angelina - no listen to me Damian. On my tiptoes I cupped his cheeks with my hands.

I love you Damian I do.

Damian - please.

Angelina - I love you and I kissed him. I kissed him with all my love, pain and fear.

He broke the kiss and staring at me with deep sorrow.

Damian - I'm not worry of your love. We need to leave now.

Angelina - on that note he walks away leaving me alone in the balcony.

I burst into tears and collapsed on the floor

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I burst into tears and collapsed on the floor.

He broken me completely.

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