Dark Knight

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Angelina - car crashed. Car rams into the tree airbags saved me from concussion.

My whole body is shaking with fear.

Don't panic Angelina I need to calm down. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath imagining a peaceful place.

Blood is coming from my forehead. But no other injuries.
I tried to start engine again. It's snowing hard and the road is blurry. And I know no one will come at this time.

I should call someone. Shit no network connection.

The temperature is beyond cold. My whole body started to freeze.

I'm not even sure I will be alive till morning. No one will come here.

It's been thirty minutes and panic started

The cold is freezing my body and now I can't even move my fingers.

My eyelashes are closing.

Damian - Angelina..

Angelina - suddenly I can here a voice. The voice is getting closer. Someone is coming.


He came to me and I burst into tears. I can see fear in his eyes.

Without another word he lifted me and brought me to his car.

I can't believe you came for me.

Damian - what do you think?  I will leave you here like this.

Angelina - he carefully placed me in the seat. Turning up the heat.

Damian, - you need to warm up. I was so scared when Amy told me you left for ingredients. I know your trauma.

I hugged her tightly.

Angelina - he wrapped his Jacket around me. And now I'm feeling little warm.

A few minutes later we reached the chalet and he is carrying me in his arms.

Amy is crying.

Amy- Angelina are you OK?

Angelina - I'm fine. And sorry to scare you.

She started crying.

Amy- it's my fault. I only asked you to get the ingredients

Angelina - no it's not your fault. You did nothing.

Damian - I will on the geaser.

Angelina - I'm sorry Amy and dont cry now.

Amy- are you kidding. You almost killed yourself.  Don't you ever dare to leave me like my mom.

Angelina - I hugged her. Don't worry. Now go and sleep its too late. We can talk Tomorrow 

Damian - Amy go and sleep and Angelina enough of these stunts.

Angelina - baby don't worry. I will come to you and give your goodnight kiss.

She went to her room.

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