Oh no murder!

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Hello people of earth.

Welcome to chapter 12! Called: Oh no murder!


Jadelina pov *at school again*

I need to kill Qweses, she's going to hurt everyone i care about. Yes i only care for my lovers and friend maybe her friends too. My parents are literally trash. Also i informed Supafo of this, they said it was okay only if i brought the body to them.

"Hi! Qweses! Can we meet somewhere like.... let's skip school and go to my place!" I said.

"Oh cool thanks, i sorta am running out of places to hide." Qweses said oblivious to my smirk. I quickly texted my friend about
Hey meet me after music at my house

We're gonna skip?

Yes also bring garbage bags and hydrogen peroxide

I have the other stuff

Ohhh So that's what it is

Okay, okay. I'll get them right now!

Then i heard the bell. I just sat still because we were split and half of the people could just sit in the cafeteria. I was one of them. I only asked for of the objects because i did have them but otherwise people would get suspicious why murder stuff were gone.

Supafo also made something special for us: A blood remover! With this we can remove blood without leaving any evidence. Of course we quickly cauterize the wound but blood still comes out.

*time skip*

It was time to kill. My friend was already at my home in the closet (a real one) ready to attack with the knife.

Finally we were home, i hope my acting skills are still good...

"So what should we do now?" She asked.

"Let's go upstairs!" I said while walking up the stairs.

"So what did you wanna do here?" Qweses said.

"Well you see..." I started only to be interrupted by a scream.

"JADELINA! WATCH o....u....t......" Qweses said with her last breath.

There stood my friend with a knife in her hand covered in blood. She quickly cauterized the wound to stop the blood.

"Hehehehehhehhuuuhhuhuhuhuhahahahahahhahahhaha!" We couldn't stop ourselves..... we laughed.

After laughing like maniacs we quickly cleaned what little blood there was up. We cleaned our clothes and weapons. We gave the bag to Supafo, who seemed way to happy for someone that just saw a dead body.

"By the way... don't you guys have school?" They asked.

"We skipped." I said.

"Oh wait let me just hack school services so they don't know you guys were gone." They said already typing on their computer.

"Okay thanks. Bye!" I said.


Lucas pov

Something weird is happening.... Jadelina wasn't here like at all and came out of nowhere saying that she was in the wrong classroom.

And i don't know i just feel as if something fishy is going on Qweses wasn't here too but she isn't here at all!


12th chapter at economyclass perfect...

489 words well better than some i guess......

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