Chapter 18: Don't Betray Them

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Daniel has been training Robby Mr

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Daniel has been training Robby Mr. Miyagi-style. The fact that he works at the dealership makes it so much easier for him to do this. Robby doesn't understand why Daniel's making him do chores in such specific ways but he tries not to question it. One time the man corrected the way he was stapling papers while he sat in Rosalía's office. When Robby gave the woman a quizzical look, she simply smiled and said, "I know it seems weird but trust me, it'll be worth it." He took her word for it and decided to keep up with the chores, choosing to believe that she's right. However, he finally reached his limit of patience when Daniel made him wax the cars:

Rosalía and Daniel stand in the lot discussing which cars should go upfront when Robby approaches them with a can of wax and rags in his hands. "Hey, Mr. LaRusso, uh, I'm all done," he announces, pointing toward the full lot. "Really?" Daniel questions, to which the boy nods. He points behind him and asks, "both lots?" Rosalía tries her best to stay quiet. Man, he loves to watch this poor boy suffer just like he did, she thinks. Robby glances over at the second lot and shakes his head. This is the last straw.

"This is bullshit! I thought you were gonna teach me karate. I'm just doing all your shitty chores," he explodes before storming away. The couple watches him leave with amused smiles. Daniel turns to his wife and smirks, cocking an eyebrow. "And here comes the best part," Rosalía remarks with a smirk, knowing it's time for the teenager to realize this has been his training all along. Daniel releases an airy chuckle and smiles excitedly. "God, I love this part," he states. 

Robby and Daniel are in the dojo, where the teen is being put to the test. Rosalía, being the nosy person that she is, goes into the backyard with a watering can and pretends to water the plants as she listens to them. She's really curious to know how much Robby has learned. "Show me 'wash the windows.' Hai! Hai!" she hears her husband's voice. She smiles, knowing how much he loves teaching karate. She decides that just hearing isn't enough, so she zooms over to the dojo entrance, peeking in. "Show me 'wax on, wax off," Daniel commands. He yells, "hai" as he throws two punches at the boy, who blocks them both using the "wax on, wax off" method.

"Aits!" Daniel cries, this time continuously throwing fast punches and kicks at Robby. Rosalía grins as she watches the boy block each hit flawlessly with all the techniques Daniel taught him. Nostalgia washes over her, remembering when Mr. Miyagi first taught Daniel. Just then, Adrian passes by and catches his mom peeking into the dojo. He meanders over to her and remarks, "you're such a metiche [nosy]." Rosalía sharply turns to him and swats her hand through the air, quietly hissing, "Shhh! Cállate, bichito baboso! Vete para allá! [Be quiet, kid! Go over there!]."

The boy quietly snickers and runs away. The woman shakes her head and peers back inside. Robby's face is full of utter shock after the short sparring session. "Woah," he breathes out. Daniel straightens his posture, making Robby do the same before they bow to each other. A smile creeps onto Rosalía's face as she witnesses this, happy that her husband has a new karate student. She likes Robby so far, he seems like a good kid.

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