Chapter 93: True Friend

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I really want to know, how many Latines are here? And where are you from? Y'all are my target audience & I don't see many, which makes me kind of sad. Hay muchas gringas aquí jaja. ¡Repórtense! ¿Cual es tu bandera? 😊

Elotero = Street vendor who sells elotes [corn] on a stick, raspados, etc. usually on a cart.

Paletero = Street vendor who sells ice cream in a cart.

(^ If you're from the 818, you know what's up 😏)



A knock sounds at the front door so Sam goes over to open it, unveiling Selena on her doorstep. The dark-haired girl offers her a kind smile while she just eyes her quizzically. "Hi," Selena greets in a singsong voice, nervous about her cousin's reaction. "Hi...? What are you doing here?" the ocean-eyed girl reacts. It's not unusual for the brown-eyed girl to show up unannounced and vice versa. Although she normally just lets herself in since she has a key, so the unusual part is that she knocked. "Let's go somewhere," Selena simply pipes up.

"Where?" Sam inquires curiously. "You'll see," the other girl responds as she whirls around and starts walking away from the door. Sam knits her eyebrows in confusion but steps outside anyway, closing the door before following her cousin across the street to her house. Selena goes straight to her car in the driveway, unlocks it, and hops in. The blue-eyed girl gets into the passenger side and soon enough, Selena drives off. The car ride is pretty quiet with the exception of music playing through the radio and the dark-haired girl speaking every once in a while.

Sam responds with short answers every time, discouraging Selena from trying too hard to hold a conversation. Sam doesn't mean to be rude or distant, it's just tough for her to find the energy to talk as much as she usually does right now. Eventually, a park comes into view, which captures the pale girl's interest. Much to Selena's luck, she quickly finds a parking spot by the curb and parks her car there before shutting off the engine. "Why are we at the park?" her cousin queries, turning to her with a skeptical expression.

Selena ignores the question. "Come on," she voices with a small grin before climbing out of the vehicle. Sam follows her lead, hopping out as well. Her eyes scan the playground full of children a few feet away before shifting to the recreation center to her left. Meanwhile, Selena walks over to her, a beep sounding when she clicks the button on her key to lock the car. She nods her head in the direction of the playground, signaling Sam to go that way. The two begin walking, smiling at the kids who gleefully run by them.

"We used to play here when we were little, remember?" Selena pipes up, offering her cousin a sweet smile. The corners of Sam's lips turn up as she reminisces their younger years here. "Yeah... Your parents always brought me with you guys," she affirms, sticking her hands in the pockets of her jean jacket. The dark-haired girl hums in response, happy that she remembers. Her eyes light up when she suddenly hears the sound of a horn. Her head snaps up and she spots a tan man pushing a green wooden cart in the distance, making her gasp.

"Oh! The elotero! Come on!" she ecstatically shouts, rushing over to the man. Her cousin lightly chuckles at her childlike enthusiasm, following behind. Eloteros and paleteros don't come around their neighborhood since it's a rich, predominantly white neighborhood, so Selena doesn't see them very often unless she's in Reseda, Van Nuys, etc. She gets very excited when she does come across one. The man stops when he sees the girls approaching. "Sam, you want something?" Selena acknowledges her cousin.

"Uh, sure," Sam accepts. Her Aunt Rosalía used to treat her and her cousins to snacks from either the elotero or paletero, so it'll be nice to re-experience a piece of her childhood. Selena buys herself an elote [corn on a stick] and a vanilla raspado [shaved ice] for Sam. The man gives them their treats and Selena hands him the cash before thanking him. "Gracias," she addresses him before she and Sam saunter away. "I'll pay you back," the blue-eyed girl pipes up, gesturing to her raspado. "No, don't worry about it. It's my treat," the dark-haired girl counters.

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