Chapter 101: Whatever It Takes

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Hey, guys! I know I've already been really slacking with the updates and it's worse now because I'm back in school so I'm busier because of that and things that come up in my personal life. But I haven't forgotten about my books and won't abandon them, I'll still update asap so don't worry about that haha! Anyways... let's get into the chapter!


Miguel sits in the driver's seat with Daniel beside him and Rosalía sitting in the backseat of the yellow car while the boy tells them about what Johnny has told him about high school. "He said I sucker-punched him? Did he not mention the fact that he knocked me down first?" Daniel reacts to what Miguel just informed him and his wife. "And more than once too," the woman chimes in, nodding. The boy glances at her quickly before fixating his eyes on the older man. "You were moving in on his girl," he defends Johnny, glancing at Rosalía again.

The woman makes a weird face. "I was not his girl, I made that very clear. He kept persisting but I always said no," she clarifies. Did Johnny tell this poor boy that I was his girl? She internally questions. "And they had broken up two years before," her husband adds, to which Miguel just nods his head, knowing that story. 

"I had no idea Johnny even existed when I got to that beach. All that I knew is that he broke her radio," Daniel continues. "My friend's radio," Rosalía corrects him. The man keeps his eyes on Miguel and points at the woman as he repeats, "Her friend's radio. She was upset." 

"We both were," Rosalía cuts in, nodding firmly. "Huh," Miguel reacts as he looks down with a thoughtful expression. He never thought about their points of view before, he only knew Johnny's. It's interesting to hear the story from a different perspective. "I was being chivalrous," the LaRusso man claims. Rosalía softly grins, remembering how he picked up the radio and tried to hand it to her. It's too bad his sweet gesture got him beat up. "But what about Halloween? The water hose??" Miguel suddenly pipes up, thinking he got Daniel.

He still wants to prove that there's validity to Johnny's stories. The older man sends him a puzzled look. "What? The water ho... These guys were beating the crap out of me every other– The water hose was the least of it, believe me," he responds, slightly stuttering. "Wow, Johnny really gave you as little context as possible to make himself look innocent, huh?" Rosalía addresses Miguel, quirking an eyebrow. The boy gapes at her, considering her words.

He always just believed everything his sensei said, he never questioned the truth or lack of context behind his claims. Rosalía isn't surprised by how Johnny told him the story. She knows that in the blonde's eyes, Daniel is the villain of his story and that's how he remembers him. For Daniel, Johnny is the villain of his story. But the truth is that neither of them was an actual villain, they've both done stupid things to each other and are simply blinded by their distaste for one another. These two never grew up, the woman thinks, shaking her head.

"Clearly," Daniel scoffs, agreeing with her. "And the water hose was just sitting there. It was... so teed up. Trust me, if you were in my shoes, you would've done the exact same thing," he tells the boy, who just listens. "Sure, if you were stupid," Rosalía cuts in. Miguel lets out a small snort before biting his lip to prevent laughing while Daniel turns around to give his wife a look that says: really? The woman smiles innocently in return.

"Oh, come on, you know that was really dumb of you. If you hadn't gone looking for trouble, the story would've gone completely different," she points out. Her husband turns his body in his seat to face her. "Are we really gonna talk about that right now?" he sassily questions. Rosalía lifts her hands in surrender. "I'm just saying," she says in a singsong voice. Miguel grins, finding their interaction amusing. He sees a lot of Selena in Rosalía. It's clear that she got more than just her looks from her mother.

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