Chapter 23: No Me Queda Más

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No Me Queda Más = I Have Nothing Left. || This song is perfect for Johnny 🥺 I suggest looking up the English lyrics if you don't speak Spanish, it's a beautiful/emotional song & I think it fits Johnny's feelings for Rosalía very well!



There's nothing but content in Daniel's body as he makes himself cappuccino and prepares his breakfast. He feels relaxed as he takes a sip of the hot beverage, eyeing everything on the counter as he approaches the kitchen sink. He raises his cup to take another sip and glances up, freezing when he discovers Johnny Lawrence standing on his patio. His shock causes him to loosen his grip on his cup, causing it to fall and shatter in the sink. His previous state of relaxation is replaced with rage as he storms outside. "What the hell are you doing? You come to my house? Are you insane?!" he demandingly questions as he approaches the blonde.

"I was trying to make things right, let the past be the past. You still can't leave well enough alone, man," Johnny claims, shaking his head. He's fuming but Daniel has no clue what's going on. "What are you even talking about? You got Cobra Kai reinstated!" he responds. "I'm talking about my car!" Johnny reveals. Daniel's confusion only grows. "What about your car?" he asks. Of course, the blonde assumes that he's pretending to be clueless. "Yeah, nice try. You know, those goons of yours could have burned down my whole neighborhood," he states.

"Goons? What goons?"

"Don't try to play dumb. Son of a bitch gave you up right away. Don't worry, I took care of him and his little biker posse."

Daniel's eyes travel to the motorcycle behind Johnny and he finally connects the dots. "Louie," he mutters. "Alright, listen, I don't know what the hell happened but I had nothing to do with it, that was my cousin," he clarifies. Johnny just glares at him in disbelief as he listens and sarcastically chuckles, "big surprise. All you LaRussos are the same." Daniel is taken aback by this. "Your whole family, man, is rotten to the core. I don't know why Rosalía married into this," Johnny spits, taking a step forward. This sparks a flame of anger inside the dark-haired man. "Alright, watch it, Johnny!" he warns.

All of a sudden, a child's voice is heard. "Papi?" Daniel whirls around, seeing Camila and Adrian standing there. Johnny's shocked when his eyes fall upon them. The boy looks like a mini Daniel with a splash of Rosalía while the girl looks like a perfect combination of both parents. There's more?? He thinks. He assumed Selena was their only kid. "Hi, sweetheart," Daniel acknowledges Camila. "Adrian, take your sister inside," he orders his son. "Listen to your dad, kid. You're not gonna want to see this," Johnny pipes up. "Hey!" Daniel barks, holding his index finger up sternly as he glares at the man. "Hey, I'm gonna ask you nice..."

As the two continue bickering, the kids head inside to fetch their mother. Fortunately, they quickly find her walking into the living room. "Mami! Mami!" they call, rushing up to her. "Dad's fighting with a señor afuera [man outside]. I think they're gonna hit each other," Adrian informs her. Rosalía furrows her eyebrows. "Que señor? [What man?]" she asks. The boy shrugs and answers, "I don't know, some güero [white man]." The woman instantly knows who he's talking about. There's only one güero that her husband would be getting into brawls with right now. She sighs and heads toward the backyard with her two younglings in tow, grumbling under her breath.

"You wanna do this? Let's go, come on," she hears Daniel's voice as she walks outside. The two men come into view, both in fighting stances. "What the heck are you clowns doing??" She powerfully voices, crossing her arms and glaring daggers at them. She refrains from using the word, "hell" because of her children's presence. Daniel darts his eyes to the side before training them on Johnny again. "Are we really doing this again??" the woman demands. "Ro, just please go inside. This is between me and... Sensei Lawrence," her husband claims, saying Johnny's title in a slightly mocking tone. Johnny scowls when he notices this. Ro? He thinks. It disgusts him how cute that is.

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