Chapter 113: Take the Leap

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I really love this chapter and I hope you guys do too! We learn a sweet new little fact about Johnny and Rosalía, which is always fun hehe. Okay, here we go...!



All the Miyagi-Dos pant tiredly as they follow Johnny up the many flights of stairs. "Where... is he taking us?" Nate questions as they all pause on the steps. "Nowhere good," Demetri answers, breathing heavily. "I heard he drowned a kid in a pool trying to teach him how to kick, and that was before he sicced a rabid dog on Eli. This does not bode well," he claims. Selena furrows her eyebrows, remembering that story. "That kid was Miguel," she mentions. Demetri's eyes widen. Well, at least he's still alive, he thinks.

"Sel, you've spent the most time with Sensei Lawrence out of all of us. How bad is it gonna be?" the lanky boy acknowledges the brown-eyed girl, sounding disheartened. Selena remains silent while everyone stares at her, awaiting her answer. Knowing Johnny, it'll probably be something dangerous... but she doesn't want to scare everyone even more. "We'll live," she merely states before continuing her journey up the stairs. Fear decorates Demetri's face and he looks at Sam as if to ask if she heard what he heard. The blue-eyed girl only shrugs.

"Let's go, Miyagis! Move your asses!" Johnny yells when he only sees Selena behind him. Demetri sighs before he and everyone else continue to move. Johnny kicks the door open and steps onto the roof of the building. Selena walks through next, followed by Sam, Isaac, and the others. Oh, shit, Selena thinks when she sees the blonde man stride to the ledge. All the students near the ledge, peeking over it to discover three mattresses carelessly lying on the ground below. Demetri frustratedly sighs. "Oh, God. I'm tired of being right," he complains.

"Why is one mattress on top of the other?" Selena questions, gesturing to the small grey and blue mattress on top of a larger white one. "That's not important," Johnny quickly retaliates. He tossed those old mattresses from this roof earlier and didn't bother to go downstairs to properly position them. Sam sports a scared expression as she and everyone else back away from the ledge. Selena feels a bit nervous, having an idea of what the man will ask them to do. "What are we doing here?" the blue-eyed LaRusso queries, also suspicious.

"When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate. It'll dive down at 100 miles an hour to snatch its prey. Doesn't wait around for a fish to jump at its feet," the sensei depicts as he walks back and forth in front of the lined-up Miyagi-Dos. "Talons," Demetri corrects him. Johnny stops in front of him. "It's not talent. It's instinct," the blonde disagrees. Selena bites back a laugh while the tall boy just gives Johnny a weird look. "An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat Cobra Kai in the All Valley," the man proceeds. 

He stops in front of Selena, making eye contact with her. "You gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap," he pronounces. The girl gazes back, completely interested in what he's saying. He's actually making a lot of sense. She's definitely thought about striking first before. She's tired of waiting for Cobra Kai to attack them before they can react. That's why they think the Miyagi-Dos are pushovers.

"And how do we do that?" she queries, wanting Johnny to unveil his plan already. "You're gonna jump from this roof," the man commences. He turns around and points to the next roof. "To that one," he finishes. Everyone's jaws drop. Selena expected this but still feels her stomach churn. "What?? Are you crazy?" Sam panics, shocked. Johnny gets annoyed, having expected this opposition. "That building is like five Nates away and we're at least 14 Nates high!" Demetri points out, completely against the idea.

Nate grimaces. "Please don't use me as a system of measurement," he addresses the lanky boy. "Quiet!" Johnny suddenly shouts, making the two boys flinch. Damn, Selena thinks, raising her eyebrows. "If you wanna be an eagle, first you gotta learn how to fly," the blonde lectures, his eyes falling on Sam. "And you can't do that unless you jump," he claims. 

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