Chapter 88: Get Your Hands Dirty

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Juarez LaRusso House

Daniel, Rosalía, and Aaliyah sit at the kitchen table where the 22-year-old just finished explaining the Miyagi-Do students' encounter with Cobra Kai and Amanda's encounter with Kreese. "Damn, Amanda really went to that dojo? Is she okay? Is Sam okay?" Rosalía questions. "And you're sure that Selena wasn't involved," Daniel chimes in, wanting to be clear on that. Aaliyah nods at her father. "Yeah, I'm sure, she was with Miguel. And yeah, they're just shaken up, you know?" she acknowledges both parents.

"Honestly, I'm kind of on edge too with that karate psycho on the loose. Especially since he and his cultists could decide to target Selena someday," the girl expresses. Her parents lightly frown, knowing she raises a good point. They're worried about Cobra Kai hurting Selena too. "That man should've been locked up ages ago. He's so sick," Rosalía states, running her hands over her face frustratedly. Aaliyah nods and leans forward, her mother's words reminding her of something.

"He is. Amanda said he has weapons on his walls... And his students broke Demetri's arm," she depicts, her voice getting softer with the last statement. She would've brought that up earlier but she didn't want to spring everything on her parents all at once. Anger instantly takes over the couple. "They what?" Rosalía coldly asks. "Wait, wait, wait. They did what?" Daniel questions simultaneously. Aaliyah only nods sadly. Rosalía feels her blood boil, hating that someone had the audacity to hurt such a sweet boy.

Daniel angrily sighs, setting his hands on the table in front of him. "I'm going over there," he declares, getting ready to stand up. "To do what? Beat him up? As much as that would bring me joy, we have to take a smarter approach. That kind of attitude is exactly what got us into this shit," his wife sternly pipes up, sending him a strict look. "We will stop him, okay? We have to... but from a more subtle angle," she states. Daniel glances at her skeptically. "Okay then, what's that angle?" he queries. "Going to the police?" Aaliyah suggests, lightly shrugging.

Rosalía sighs. "Exactly. We'll try that first... maybe they'll actually be helpful for once," she responds, rolling her eyes. Memories from the stolen bonsais situation flash through her mind. She has no trust in the police but at least she can say she tried them before jumping to a more drastic solution. Daniel nods, agreeing with her plan. "We should ask Amanda to come since her daughter is involved in this," the woman mentions. The other two nod in agreement before getting up to get ready. Aaliyah inhales a deep breath as she leaves the kitchen.

It seems like the drama never ends. She's relieved that Selena didn't dig herself into a karate problem like this while her parents were away because then she would've had to deal with that. Although, since her cousin got in trouble with the kids led by the lunatic who has the potential to harm her family, she felt the need to send her youngest siblings away for a short while. So in a way, she still had to deal with it, on top of everything else she has to deal with when it comes to her siblings.

Since her parents work a lot, she takes on a lot of the responsibilities in the house, in addition to her own responsibilities, and is like a third parent to her siblings. She's never minded taking care of everyone and she understands that her parents need her help, but sometimes she feels the pressure of having everyone rely on her. 

Being the oldest sister can be tough. She knows her parents would understand her if she talked to them, but she doesn't want to stress them out anymore than they already are. She just has to figure out how to balance everything and it'll all be okay... There's no need to burden her parents with her problems.


Johnny's Apartment

Damn, Selena thinks as she examines photos of a shirtless young Johnny at the beach. "Those are the only photos I have. Don't have much after high school," the blonde states from beside her. Mom, I understand you now, the girl thinks. "Hm," she hums in response, keeping her eyes on the photos. Miguel rolls his eyes and snatches them from her hands, realizing for how long she's been looking at them. Selena glances at him in shock, throwing her hands up in a questioning manner. The boy looks at the pictures, trying to think of a nice thing to say.

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