Chapter 49: All In My Head

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Also, I related to the song above so hard in like 2015 when I was in love with my friend 😅And now it resonates a lot with Selena soooo 



Later in the afternoon, Selena decides to go to Miguel's apartment after his class is over, knowing he should be home by now. She parks in front of the building and heads inside, going straight to Miguel's door. She firmly knocks on it and waits, impatiently tapping her foot. Not long after, the boy she came to see opens the door. He gapes at her in shock, especially when he notices the vexed look on her face. Her parents burst into the dojo enraged during class because of what happened to the Miyagi dojo, so he has a feeling that's the reason she's here. However, he feels guilty as he looks at her after he and Tory kissed at the playground last night.

He knows he shouldn't because he and Selena were never together, but he feels like he's betraying her. Tory convinced him that he should move on, that it's unlikely that Selena reciprocates his feelings. So, he figured that she's possibly right, perhaps his energy is better spent on someone who is interested in him... someone like Tory. Although deep down, this feels wrong. "Uh, hey, Sel," he awkwardly greets. Selena skips the greetings and gets straight to the point. "Do you know which of your friends trashed our dojo?" she sternly asks. Miguel's jaw slightly drops. He shakes his head and answers, "No. I- I just found out about it today, I swear."

Selena's serious facial expression doesn't budge as she examines his face. "What about your sensei?" she questions. "No, he had nothing to do with it. He found out today too when your parents interrupted class," Miguel quickly defends Johnny. Selena searches his eyes for signs of sincerity, which luckily is all she finds. "I'm sorry about your dojo. I don't know who did it but... I promise it wasn't me. I would never do anything to hurt you," the boy assures her. Selena's face softens and her heart skips a beat when she hears his last statement.

She nods, accepting his apology. She suddenly sighs and shakes her head, baffling the boy. "What's wrong?" he asks. The girl gives him a small disappointed look. "It's just... you're such a sweet person, I don't get how you're friends with people like that," she voices, referring to the Cobras. Miguel slightly furrows his eyebrows at this. He doesn't agree with what his friends did but he doesn't think of them as bad people. "You're friends with them too," he points out. The girl tsks and sighs. "Correction: I was only friends with you, Aisha, and Hawk... but Hawk isn't my friend anymore..."

Miguel shoots her a puzzled look. The girl purses her lips and looks down for a second before meeting his eyes again. "He's gone full-on tóxico [toxic boy] now... He and a few of your Cobra Kai friends tried to beat up-" she starts to explain before a new voice interrupts her. "Oh." She turns around and sees Tory standing a few feet away. The blonde is shocked to see the dark-haired girl and is secretly a bit envious. Selena is surprised by her presence, wondering why she's in Miguel's apartment complex. Shit, the boy internally panics. "Uh, hey," he greets the blonde. Selena sends her a polite grin. "Hi," she utters.

"Hi," Tory addresses her. She walks over and goes straight to Miguel, grabbing the side of his face and pulling him in for a long kiss. Selena's heart stops when she sees this, pain filling her chest as she watches Tory eat the boy's face off. It almost feels like Tory's putting on a show just for her. Tory smirks at Miguel when they pull apart and he returns a small grin before darting his eyes to Selena. She swiftly averts her gaze, feeling very uncomfortable. The boy is uncomfortable as well, he would've preferred if she didn't see that.

Tory turns to Selena and sends her an innocent smile. Selena forces one back. "Um..." she mutters, not knowing what to say. "I'll just- I have to go now... uh," she stammers. Miguel just nods, feeling a pang in his heart. "I already got what I came for so... I'll see you," she tells the boy. "Okay," he responds, giving her a weak smile. "Okay... Bye, it was nice seeing you again," she acknowledges Tory, plastering a smile on her face and waving at her. "Yeah, you too," the blonde responds. Selena walks out of the building and gets into her car, releasing a big breath once she's inside.

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