Chapter 2: Qualification

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"Text" - dialogues

'Text' - thoughts

Spoiler Alert!!

You've been warned 


Aika POV


I suddenly stop walking when I heard someone just yell help. I immediately look to where the voice is coming from.


"Ma'am are you alright," I ask the woman

"Please help me miss! " She said while panicking

"Calm down ma'am, tell me first what happened," I said while trying my best to calm her down

" husband is not breathing," the woman said while crying

My eyes widen when I hear her say those words. "Ma'am please tell me where is your husband," I ask her desperately

"In the... In the dining room," she said. When I hear her I immediately rush inside their home. When I got there, I saw a man sitting in the chair...unconscious

I check the man for his pulse and sure enough, he doesn't have one

"Did you already call for an ambulance?" I asked

"Yes ...yes I did," she said

"Tell me ma'am how long when he became unconscious," I asked

"For about 1 min. now" she said while still crying

I put the man in a laying position and I start to perform a CPR

'1...2...3....4....1....2...3....4' I said repeatedly

"Come on mister... Breathe" I desperately said

I have been doing it for a minute now and there is no sign of life to the man when he...suddenly breathe

*breathing heavily* "thank goodness" is the only thing I can say. I'm too tired to even say a thing. When I suddenly hear the emergency light that coming from the ambulance

"Where is the patient" one of the Medic said

"He's here!" I answered

The Medic looks to the man "It's....... "

"A heart attack," I said. Stopping the Medic in finishing his diagnosis.

"Please just take him to the hospital. I just finish performing the CPR" I said in a tired way

The Medic just nod and take the man inside the ambulance.

Then before I can walk away, I suddenly hear a voice call out to me.

"Miss... "

I turned around and see the wife of the man

"Thank you for saving my husband," she said while bowing

'I can see the relief in her eyes'

"No problem, ma'am. Your husband will be alright so you don't need to worry anymore" I said while smiling

"Yes, and that is all thanks to you," she said


While walking back to my apartment "This day is certainly a busy one. I'm so tired I want to take a bath and lay down to my bed"

'I'm so happy that my days in medical schools is not for nothing'

I spend my 2 years studying medicine just for the sake of my parent's ambition even though being a doctor is never been my dream but I don't have enough courage to tell my feelings to my parents that what I want is to be a dancer. Well, that is all changed when both of my parents die in an accident, because of it I need to stop my study and work to sustain my life. And that's is when I met Kanagawa-san. He is a close friend of my father and he is also the reason why I'd come to love the dancing world. He offers me to work in his studio as one of the instructors. That's why I am very thankful to him, I got to do the things That I love.


While laying down on my bed I do what I usually do in my free time reading manga. I'm reading the manga that I just bought and I'm on the part where Akaza suddenly shows up

'This is it I said to myself

On every page, I turn my heart starts to beat harder when I get to the part where Kyojuro was......

My tears just fell without me even realizing it.

"Why will they introduce a character like him.....and in the end, they will just.....kill him.. "

I said while tears fell to my cheeks.

And my eyes suddenly feel heavy... 'I just wish I could save him and the others too, in that way they have a happier ending' I said before getting washed away by my tiredness


HOST: Aika Fujiki

Checking Qualifications:

Skills and Talent √

Personality √


Transmigration Starts in...


















Welcome Aika Fujiki

We hope you the best for the fulfillment of your Wish!


Thanks for reading....

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MWAAAA :) :)

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