Chapter1:Something's Fishy

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Warning:Abusive Language

Y/N's POV:

My hands were full and dress stained in blood.
"He is dead y/n! You did it." hailee said hugging me and crying.

4 Months Ago

I wake up and check the time it was 9:04 am. I was late for school again. I took a quick shower, had my breakfast and locked my door and started walking to my school. My school wasnt too far away from my house so i usually prefer walking over driving.
When I head towards the class I check the time and i was 15 minutes late for my first class. I sighed and entered the class. "Morning,Y/L/N.You're just 15 minutes late to the class" my teacher said sarcastically. "I am so sorry Sir" I said looking at the floor when the whole class bursted out laughing except my best friends who were looking at me concerned. "Take this paper and start writing your test" he gestured towards the empty seat while handling me the paper.

I was sitting in the school cafe waiting for my friends for lunch."Hey Y/N/N" Chris called making me turn around and giving him a hug."Sup boys?" Selena said taking a seat next to us.
We sat and talked while having our lunch "What happened Y/n/n,you look so quiet today" Chris asks patting my shoulder. "It's nothing I didnt had enough sleep, I guess" I said sighing tiredly.Then suddenly a ball hits my head from the back."Oh my god Y/n are you okay" selena asks getting up from the chair heading towards me."yeah i am fine" I say turning back rubbing the spot where the ball hit me.
"Hey Nerd! Pass me my ball!" A guy shouts. He was Justin our school bully and i am pretty sure he did that on purpose but i am not really in the mood to argue. As i was going to pass the ball chris stops me "what the hell justin! Why would you do that!" He shouts back. Chris was a very caring friend he always had my back especially from people like justin but as long as i really wanted to join him i was not in a mood to argue."Let it be chris, its not a big deal" he immediately understood my feeling and he tossed the ball showing justin his middle finger.
"Why" i sighed when i saw justin and two of his friends heading towards us.
"Hey Sel we will meet you after school" I said making her leave which she hesitated for a bit but left eventually.
Justin came to us "The fuck you want chris?" He said in a loud tone
"Hey I am so sorry justin he is just not in the mood today" i said trying to calm things down "I was talking to chris, you dipshit" he says getting closer to my face which is the worst thing i was expecting "you smell like shit" i wishper
"The fuck did you say" he said lifting me by my collar. Chris tried to push justin down but he was stopped by justin's friend.
Justin punched me on my nose "How do i smell now?" He said before putting me down and leaving.
Chris rushed towards me "y/n are you okay? Why didnt you do anything" i didnt said anything "you're bleeding damnit" he said pointing towards my nose. He immediately grabbed some tissues and helped me stop the bleeding.
"Y/n you are acting so weird from past days. I am so worried about you"he says as we were heading towards the class and i dont reply anything
"You owe me a serious explanation" he says looking at me seriously. I smile and nod my head before entering the class

I am glad i survived another day at my school. I cant beleive i am just an year away from my graduation i really hope it comes soon. "Y/n are you okay" i heard selena coming towards me concerned."yeah i am alright" i say smiling. She gives me a hug "i was so worried about you" she says and i just smiled. "You guys are in for tonight's party right" chris says in between "I thought we were just hanging out at selena's home" i asked confused "yeah whatever. You really need that and you can talk to us about what's going on with you there" he said
"First of all i dont have anything going on with me. I told you i am just tired." I say patting Chris's shoulder. "And secondly I'll join you guys only if sel is making her special spaghetti and meatballs" i say looking at selena.
"Yeah you got it" she said excitedly

Selena's POV
I was looking forward for tonight as it has been so long since we friends had some time together having fun. I made spaghetti and meat balls as y/n wanted and set the table for our dinner. I set out a projector and screen in my garden so we can watch movies. I just wanted this night to go very well and memorable for all of us.
On the other hand i was really concerned about y/n because today morning i saw a huge bruise on his arm which he was trying to hide in his sleeves. I didnt asked him, I thought it would make him uncomfortable. But tonight I will wait for the correct time and ask him about it..
My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell. I open the door revealing chris. I hug him and let him inside. "Y/n is not here yet?" He asked
"Not yet" i said and we take a seat passing our time.

"It's been two hours selena where could he be i am so worried" chris says as i was trying to call y/n and he wasnt answering.
"Y/n where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. And why arent you answering my calls. Call me back"
I texted.And after what felt like hours but 30 minutes he replied to my text

I am so sorry sel i am stuck in some important work. Tell chris i cant make it tonight. Please dont feel bad lets plan this again .. love you guys and sorry again😊

I read the text again and again before handing my phone to chris. "Classic Y/n" he said with sad eyes heading towards the door "see you at the school sel" he said unlocking the door "chris" i said making him turn back "i am sure it was something important otherwise he would have come for sure" .
"yeah whatever. He have some serious explaining to do" he said and he left.
He was right. He was so excited for tonight so was i but cant blame y/n without knowing the reason. I just hope he is okay.

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed it. This was kind of an introduction chapter.
What do you think we are hiding from selena and chris?
Stay tuned
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