chapter 6- can we talk?

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Keaton P.o.v.

After the meeting we went for some food, However I could barely eat with all the stuff going round in my head.

My mind kept me thinking about this plan. Is it going to work? Is anyone going to get hurt? Will luna harper get a second chance mate?

Luna harper seems so lovely. She smiles at me a lot despite what she is going through with her mate she still happy her son found his. She definitely a strong luna.

I got brought out my thoughts when I seen alpha damien standing up ready to go to his room. I knew we needed to talk so I thought I should take my chance now. I'm confused he growled when xavier touched me but was that just his wolf and he wasnt actually bothered or was he bothered about it? I need to know if he wants me.

I quickly got up to go after him and blurted out.

"Can we talk" I dont know who was more suprised me or him.

I started getting nervous as all he did was stare at me. I started squirming in my step moving side to side trying to figure out if he actually wants to talk.

I went to just quickly walk away after what felt like hours of silence as I was a little bit embarrassed and dissapointed however he suprised me when he said.

"Follow me."

I followed him to his bedroom that he is staying in. When I walked in I noticed his bed was unmade and some clothes on the floor.

So he is a messy person I thought to myself.

I stood there near the door while he went to sit on the bed. After about 5 minutes of awkward silence he spoke.

"So are you going to tell me what you wanted to talk about or are you going to stare and stay quite." he asked huskily.

I shivered at his voice. I gulped nervously and started playing with my hands out of habit from when I get nervous.

" I-I erm well I wanted to talk about everything" I stuttered out.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Didn't we just do that in the meeting" he asked.

"No- yes I mean I dont just mean about the plan. I also mean about us. " I replied.

At this his eyes darkened and he growled.

"There is no us." He gritted out.

I whimpered not liking him being mad and hurting from his words.

"Bu-but where mates." I stuttered out trying to not let the tears poor out my eyes.

"I dont care. If you need to speak to me about the plan then do so. If all you want to talk about is this so called us then get out before I make you" he growled..

I whimpered and couldnt stop the tears from pouring down my face. A sob broke from me even when I tried to stop. I knew I couldn't talk to him about the plan even if I wanted to because I knew I wouldnt get any words out from how much he just hurt me. I knew it was best I just left.

"Yes alpha damien. Good luck on the challenge" I whimpered out.

I quickly walked out before he could say anything else. My heart felt as if It just broke into a million pieces. Is he going to reject me? Or is there a chance that he still wants me?

I stopped my thoughts right there. I'm not going to let myself give false hope.

I ran home, charged into my bedroom and jumped on the bed falling asleep while crying.

Alpha damiens p.o.v.

After I said them words to him I instantly regretted it. I felt so guilty and angry at myself when I could have been nice about it. When I seen them tears in his eyes and he quickly left i whimpered and broke down myself.

Why does my life always have to end up like shit. With that thought I fell asleep.

It's the next day since we made the plan. It's also the next day since my talk with keaton.

Guilt- that's all I feel. Every inch of my body is itching to jump up and go straight to Keaton's mark and mate him. Make up to him with everything I said and show him how much he means to me.

Then I remember my dad, What my dad would do to him and I know I cant let that happen. I have to protect him.

"But we can protect him" my wolf said.

"And we are bolt. We are by staying close by so we can keep an eye on him but not getting close to where we give him and us false hope. You know dad will kill him if he finds out" I said with sadness.

He went to say something else but I blocked our mindlink before he could say anything else not wanting to hear it. I know I'm doing the right thing. Even if its hurting keaton and myself.

Its almost dinner time and we are going to alpha kanes for dinner. Even though I hurt Keaton's feelings and need him to think I meant it I also need to see he is okay.

I have been on edge all morning. My sister and beta jack and my mother wont even come near me because my wolf keeps trying to take over or because I have been snapping, snarling and growling at anyone who comes across me.

I just got changed when my mother barged into the room, rage In her eyes. I snarled at her not realising it was my mom at first. My eyes softened when i realised it was her. I was about to apologise when she growled at me. I frowned as she has never growled at me before.

"What are you doing damien! Look I know that what I have been through with your dad is going to affect how you see mates but not everyone is like that. Keaton is a lovely boy and you will make an amazing couple. I know your worried about what your dad will do but you sweetheart are a strong amazing alpha male! You can defeat himI know you can. Please darling dont let this affect you and keaton. I know how much you already adore him and it's not just because of the bond. Dont let your dad ruin your life anymore then he has. You can protect that boy I know you can" she said soflty towards the end.

She walked out the room before I could even reply. I sat down on the bed thinking about what she said. I realised she Is right. When I think about it why am I letting my dad ruin my future. Mother is right I do adore and want him. I was so caught up on the fact that father could kill him I didnt give the thought of me being able to protect him any other thought.

We have gay couples in our pack and dad treats them as slaves. They have to run round the pack, clean the floors with a toothbrush. He treats them lower then he treats omegas and he treats them like shit to. As soon as I become alpha that will stop.

I sighed out of frustration and regret. What am I going to do?

I regret saying all that stuff last night to him even more now.

I sighed again but put my shoes on ready to go to alpha kanes house. Keaton should be there so hopefully I get to speak to him. That's if he will let me.

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