chapter 11- arguments and secrets

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Alpha damien p.o.v.

Tomorrow is the day that we do our plan to get my fathers DNA so my mother and him have no more mate bond. I know it's not going to be easy.

The tension is thick in the air between us all. Not tension between eachother but tension for how worried but determined everyone is.

The only people who know about our plan is all the higher up pack members that have been in the meeting rooms with us.

I know everyone especially keaton and my mother, is worried about how this plan will turn out. However if we do exactly what we say it should end the way we want. However I know not everything goes to plan.

I'm not going to say I'm not a little worried about it myself because I am. However I have faith in us all. One big thing I'm worried about is my mom. I just really don't want all this to end badly for her. I know that she seems strong and perfectly fine with it all but i know deep down its hurting her.

Right now I'm staring at Keaton as he sleeps. He doesn't know that the plan is for us to do it tomorrow. He thinks its next week we will be doing it but we had a secret meeting last night when our mates fell asleep so that we could talk about it properly and not get worried about our mates reactions.

We have a feeling he wants to attack alpha kanes pack soon. Very soon at that. I feel we need to do everything sooner just to be on the safe side. If anything happens to Keaton I will never forgive myself. I would kill whoever dares to touch my mate.

Thinking about anyone hurting my Keaton makes me pull him closer to my and take in his scent to calm down. I started overthinking about if what I did was right with me mating and making keaton so early. What if something happens to him because of me.

My thoughts stopped when I felt a hand touch my face, sparks erupted all over my face where I was being touched. I looked down to see keaton staring at me worriedly. My eyes softened at him and I calmed down instantly.

"Good morning love. Is everything okay?" Keaton asked softly.

"Good morning. Yes everything okay" I said.

I keep trying to figure out if I need to tell him now or tell him soon. I decided to tell him after breakfast as I feel he may be less overwhelmed and its not the first thing he hears when he wakes up in the morning.

"Are you sure. Bolt looked like he was trying to take over" he said softly knocking me out my thoughts.

"I'm sure baby. Let's go get ready and have breakfast." I said softly.

"Okay " he said unsure.

We got ready barely even talking as I was to lost in my thoughts. We headed downstairs and into the kitchen where suprisingly beta jack, Lucy, my mother, beta jason, isabella, jacob and there daughter aria was already there. Isabella looked fuming and was completely ignoring beta jason.

I was confused at first when all of a sudden I realised he has already told her about the plan today. My eyes widened knowing I need to tell keaton first as I didnt know if any of them was about to blurt it out.

"Baby can we go upstairs and sp-" I didn't get chance to finish as the pack house door barged open with a very pissed off luna cassie with alpha kane following behind her like a lost puppy and there kids following along.

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