chapter 10- change of plans.

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Alpha damiens p.o.v.

It's the next morning after I marked and mated with keaton. I can honestly say I have never been happier. He's amazing and even after everything I said and did to him he still wants me. I am honestly the luckiest guy in the world.

Right now I'm laying in my bed that I have been staying in whilst staying in Keaton's dad's pack. I cant stop staring at keaton. He is so cute. He has his lips parted with soft little snores coming out his mouth whilst snuggled up to my chest.

He started to stir and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at me and slowly a blush came onto his cheeks as if he was remembering last night. I smiled softly at him.

"Good morning my love" i said with a loving smile.

I could feel his emotions in our bound. I could feel the love, happiness and I could also feel he was unsure about something.

"Good morning" he said soflty then avoided eye contact.

"What's the matter my love" I asked.

"D-do you regret it? He asked with tears coming to his eyes.

My eyes widened not expecting him to ask that. A small growl left my wolf.

"Its your fault he thinks you regret it dumbass. You ignored him most of the time and acted like you dont care" my wolf whimpered out angrily.

"I know I'm sorry I thought it was best way" I said with regret.

" I tried to warn you. Now comfort our mate" he replied with a growl.

"No baby of course I dont regret it" I said with honesty letting it in the bond so he knows I'm telling the truth.

I could tell he felt relief when I told him that and even more relief when he could feel my honesty in the bond.

He smiled soflty at me

"I just got worried that's all" he said softly.

"You never need to be worried my love. I promise you I will make up for everything I did and said to you. Now lets get ready baby we have a meeting to get to with your father and we have our Mark's to check out." I said while kissing his lips.

"Okay" he said soflty kissing me back.

We got up and checked our Mark's out. They was beautiful we couldnt stop staring at them.

We had a shower and I'm sure you know what else happend whilst having a shower.

We got changed and headed down for breakfast and then meeting.

When we got downstairs into the pack house alpha kane and luna cassie and everyone else was already here.

All we could hear where gasps and excitement of everyone when they seen we had marked and hated with eachother.

"Congratulations guys" some screamed while others just squealed and hugged us out of excitement.

I'm saying hugged us the only ones that hugged me was my mother, sister, luna cassie, isabella and beta jack bro hugged me.

"You look after my boy" alpha kane said.

"I will do, I promise you" I said softly with a smile.

He smiled back.

"I know you will. Welcome to the family." Alpha kane said. Everyone was just as suprised as me as everyone knows how protective alpha kane is of his mate and kids.

I smiled at him and said
"Thank you"

We ate breakfast while having a nice chat. It honestly felt nice. That was until alpha kane got a mindlink that the witch was here ready for our meeting. I sighed softly but we got up anyways and headed to alpha kanes office.

When we walked in I pulled Keaton towards me and we sat down on some chairs.

When everyone seated the meeting started.

"Okay so beta jack and luna Harper will be going back to your pack. Do not stay there to long but also not to short. You need to get the paper and luna harper you need to make it seem you are getting some new clothes or something." Katrina the witch said firmly.

"What if he asks why I'm getting new clothes. " luna harper asks.

"Say something like they want you to also train so you need to get some training clothes. Make sure you keep you bond closed but don't seem suspicious. " Katrina said softly.

"What if he asks why just beta jack went and not alpha damien will he not be suspicious. " luna cassie asks.

" she is right, I think either way he will be suspicious" I said.

"True. Maybe alpha damien could go instead of beta jack. You could say beta jack stayed so he can get use to the fact that if alpha damien had to leave for pack business he will be in charge. Then alpha damien can get the paperwork and luna harper can get the toothbrush. " beta jason said.

"What no. What if something happens." Keaton said panicked.

I sighed soflty.

"Nothing will happen. Besides I would rather something happen to me then anyone else. I have a better chance at defending myself against him then anyone else as I'm an alpha. Also he is less likely to just kill me straight away because he needs an heir. " I replied softly.

Keaton stared at me and just looked away. I knew he was over thinking it all. I put my hand on his knee and rubbed his knee to comfort him.

"Alright, we have a plan in place. After you come back I will work on snapping the bond and then it will be all down to alpha damien to challenge and defeat alpha drake." Katrina said.

I heard Keaton's breathing hitch at the end. I sighed rubbing my temples knowing that this was going to be hard to make him realise it will be okay and to not stress him and worry him so much. He tried blocking the bond so I can't feel his emotions but I still can because his emotions are to strong. Everyone could see he was worried without even the bond.

"It will be okay keaton" alpha kane said.

Keaton just nodded avoiding eye contact.

We all got up and headed out the room. Keaton went to keep going to get out the pack house when I pulled him by the waist and took him upstairs. He wiggled around in my arms but I kept a tight grip so he couldn't get out.

I opened my bedroom door I have been staying in, locked the door and walked to the bed to sit down. He sat down on the bed as well.

After what felt like a lifetime of silence i broke it.

"It will be okay baby." I said to reassure him.

"You cant say that. You dont know for sure." He whimpered with tears in his eyes.

"I do know for sure. Come on baby this is our first day mated let's let all the problems worry us later." I said confidently at the beginning and softly at the end.

"We will talk about this properly tomorrow but right now I want us to cuddle and spend time together" he said what he thought was firmly but I thought was cute.

I chuckled but agreed. For the rest of the day and night we watched movies, cuddled, kisses and explored each others bodies all over again until eventually we fell asleep.

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