chapter 19- pregnancy announcement//trouble

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Alpha damiens p.o.v.

We all gasped in shock at what we seen. My mothers mark and smell had completely gone. The smell of partly my father has disappeared and my fathers mark on her neck was gone. I don't know why we was so suprised as we knew this would happen but I guess we didn't expect it so fast.

My mom looked up at us and smiled tiredly.

"I'm exhausted but yet I feel great at the same time."my mom said softly.

My mom turned to the witch who helped us out.

"Thank you katrina. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I won't be in pain no more all because of you. So thank you" my mom said with tears in her eyes.

Katrina smiled softly at my mom.

"You are more then welcome luna harper" katrina said softly.

"Its just harper now" my mom said softly with a smile. However I could see the sadness and pain but also guilt in her eyes.

Katrina cleared her throat.

"Alrught lu-Harper. However Don't feel guilty for what you did. You had to do what was best for you."katrina said.

"Would the pack have felt it" my mom asked with tears in her eyes."

" yes, but when you can explain I'm sure they will understand" katrina said softly.

My mom nodded her head.

"I-im gonna get some sleep now. Goodnight everyone." My mother said with tears in her eyes.

I walked up to my mom and kissed her head.
"Good night mom" I said softly.

"Good night my son. I love you" she said softly.

"I love you to mom" I said softly.

With that being said she walked away back to the pack house with me watching her leave. I seen my sister follow after her.

I sighed softly and pulled Keaton to me.

"Come on let's go " I said to keaton.

"Okay" keaton said sadly also watching my mom walk away.

We walked back to the pack house and headed straight to my room. We got ready for bed and went straight to sleep to sleepy to even talk.

The next morning.

I woke up to the sounds of quite talking. I slowly opened my eyes and seen keaton and my sister talking at the bottom of my bed trying to be secretive. I started listening to their conversation still acting as if I'm asleep.

"Yeah I'm sure she will be okay. It will take some time all we got to do is be there for her" I heard Keaton say to my sister.

I knew they was talking about my mom. I went to try carry on listening to what they was saying when I heard my sister sniffle. I heard keaton getting closer to her and cuddle her.

I decided to open my eyes and let it known I am awake.

"What's going on" I asked confused.

They both jumped to busy in there conversation to know I was awake or even to know i opened my eyes and sat up.

"Morning baby" keaton said softly coming towards me.

"Morning" I said kissing his lips.

"What's going on lucy?" I questioned.

"Nothing, I was just about to go downstairs " lucy said.

Thinking about it I haven't really seen my sister that much recently.

"Lucy" I said in a warning tone.

"I well I'm worried about mom" she said softly

"I know Luce we all are" I said using my nickname I gave her when I was little.

"I'm pregnant" she blurted out.

My eyes widened not expecting it. I looked at keaton who wouldnt look me in the eyes telling me he already knows. However I dont think he has only just found out.

"You- what pregnant? I stuttered out.

"Y-ye I wanted to tell you but with what was going on with mom I didnt think it was the best timing. " she said quietly.

I sighed softly.

"Your worried about telling mom" I stated.

She nodded her head in yes.

"I-I dont know if it will make her take it the wrong way. Like she going through a lot i dont want to pile more things onto her. I dont want to bring back memories of when she was pregnant with us and make her miss having a mate if that makes sense. I can barely get a word out of her recently and I just I dont know. " she rambled on.

I nodded my head in understanding but also knew her emotions being all over the place wasn't helping her over think everything.

"You know mom wont be upset or mad. She will most likely be overjoyed. go and speak to her. It will upset her that your keeping this down as your worried you will hurt her." I said softly.

"Yeah I guess your right." She said softly.

With that she walked out my room not before kissing mine and Keaton's cheek and went to find mom.

I was about to say something to keaton when I felt a pure headache in my mind and a roar of anger burst through a mindlink from my father.

"Here comes trouble" I thought to myself.

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