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y/n pov

i cant believe i called lizzie mum that's awkward oh my god. i mean i wouldn't mind her as a mum. no. um never mind ill probably annoy her. im surprised they haven't gotten sick of me yet. my parents always said that the people i worked with never liked me because i was clingy and not talented. i believed them for a while because parents don't lie right? well they do so i stopped believing them anyway. gotta love overthinking in the makeup chair. i went to start my first scene. 

2 hours later

3rd person pov*

alina sprinted for the door as it slowly rolled down shutting her only exit steve rogers and clint barton stood on the other side waiting trapped.  she slid trying to get past it in time but as she got under she only realised there were more doors on the other side 

"oh for fucks sake" she groans banging the door 

"language" steve says 

"shut it ice boy" alina spits 

"yeah great reunion but could ya help us out of here" barton asks. alina sighs thinking for a second before she hears her cousins voice in her head

help them alina 


the rest of the avengers were on top of this building fighting and they send the youngest maximoff down to get them out 

"thank you" clint says but steve just rushes to find a way out. spotting a latch on the roof he jumps up hitting it with his fist. it flies into the air spinning in the air. only to come crashing back down. 

"we dont have all day" he says 

"says you mr i can do this all day" alina scoffs running up the wall to get out. the boys follow shortly after. 


y/n pov

"damn kid you swear so much in this movie" chris evans laughs 

"yeah i guess"

"and it sounds so natural, do you swear like this regularly" jeremy asks 

"i sure hope not" elisabeth says putting her hands on her hips a smirk on her face 

"oh i need to go bye" i walk out to the main area to get water, there i see scarlett laying down on the couch a child sitting ontop of her. well laying. 

"ah y/n meet my oldest rose" she grins sitting up

"hey scarlet and hello rose" i smile coming over. of course i knew scarlett had 2 kids but never met them 

"hello y/n" she repeats smiling "are you a superhero?" 

i look over to scarlett wondering how to answer she shrugs "something like that sure" i smile scrunching my nose 

"i wanna be a super hero" she explains 

"is that so?" i ask, she nodds enthusiastically "what would your powers be?" i question she hops of her mother and walks over to me sitting with me instead. i grin at scarlett who rolls her eyes. 

"oh i wanna float stuff and freeze stuff" she says thinking again "and fly" she adds "what about you?"

"i would definitely want to be able to control time" i say nodding 

"than you may actually be on time" scarlett laughs  

"shut it" i smile throwing a pillow at her

"want to colour with me?" rose asks, i say sure and she runs back over to scarlett they talk for a second before rose gets her mamas keys and runs off

"your good with kids" she says 

"i guess" i shrug usually i get along better with people older than me.

lizzie and robert walk in seeking water. and i remember why i was here and get up to grab some as well. 

"have you eaten breakfast yet?" lizzie asks when we were the only ones in the kitchen 

"nah ill just wait till lunch, its only 2 hours" is shrug drinking water 

"your not hungry?" she questions, i shake my head 

"no not really" lizzie nods leading me back to the couches we sit down and instinctively i lean into her. me only to move when rose came back in with her colouring stuff. i colour with rose as long as i can until we begin filming again. when the time comes i apologise to the kid and leave. 

you know what i love about this next scene I AM SLEEPING. honestly is great the directors said if i wanted they could put a double in because it was a longer scene and they thought it would be boring for a kid to just pretend to sleep for that time but i was like nahhh because sleep. anyway the costume i got to wear was so comfortable and baggy it was trackies that were meant to be steve's and one of tonys shirts. so everything was over sized. 

after getting out of wardrobe i didnt think the clothes would be this big the trackies dragged on the floor around my ankles i had to pull the string so much and the shirt went halfway down my thighs 

when i walked out lizzie put her hand infront of her mouth trying not to laugh "its a tad big" she smiles 

"ya think?" i laugh putting my hands into the pockets 

"come on" she smiles wrapping her arm around my shoulders leading me over to another set. 

* (this next parts probably a bit confusing but bare with me)

3rd person pov

alina lays sleeping across a couple of the chairs in the quinjet tired after a long capture. "she will be okay " clint reassures the maximoffs they all had just herd what bruce thinks has happened to her it was horrible. 


i legit just lay there pretending to be sleeping peacefully while they have this whole sappy scene. apparently i almost died or something i dont know i barely read the script as i only had 2 lines this scene 


the team sitts aroud doing their own thing "i didnt even know we had a cousin but now i know i couldnt think what it would be like without her" wanda says. wanda stood up grabbing a blanket and draping it over her. (i forgot if pietro is in this so hes dead now)


bla bla bla they talk for a bit it was hard not to laugh when there was a joke. it wasnt even funny it was just bad. i readjusted on the chairs so it didnt look like i was dead 

3rd person pov

after they did that scene 2 more times and a a couple other scenes they had a break for lunch. "oh thank fuck im starving" y/n says getting up 

"excuse me missy" lizzie says. y/n freezes 

"thank god im starving" y/n corrects lizzie rolls her eyes smiling 

"come on do you want me to make you some food" lizzie asks "or do you want to go out for lunch" 

"hey guys uncle robby says we're going out for lunch his shout, whatever that means" rose says running in. 

"i guess that solves it" 


not vibing this chapter 

i NEED to start torturing people 

teen on set  ~  marvel cast जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें