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y/n pov

it wasn't until closer to 4am when i fell asleep. i really didnt feel like celebrating my birthday in the morning but i could tell lizzie had some things she set up so i dont want to ruin it. so i decided to sleep and see if this feeling will go away.


the feeling did not go away i woke up not wanting to leave my bed. so thats what i did. it was 10am when lizzie finally came into my room after a couple house of me staring at the wall infront of my bed. 

"happy birthday sweetheart" she said coming over to me with a loving smile. she pulls me into a hug and i instantly melt into her embrace digging my head into her chest. she kisses my head holding it close. "you okay?" she said in quiet voice noticing me not letting go of her. 

"im okay now" i whispered still not letting go and i could tell now she was getting a bit worried. she pulled away a bit to look at me and i could see the concern in her eyes. until something clicked

"sweetheart i know you haven't liked your birthdays in the past, but this one can be different. a new start" she offered. the way she talked quite literally made everything go away. for once i wanted to celebrate. 

"id like that" i agreed and she took my hand leading us downstairs. the boys jumped out from the couches yelling happy birthday. it made me smile knowing they cared. they made sure to each give me a big hug squeezing me to death. i will admit it brightened my mood even more. 

scarlett made something called birthday pancakes. basically it was just pancakes with icecream sprinkles and anything else colourful. she and rose made up the thing a couple of years ago. i took some going to sit on the couch.

 "so we going clubbing tonight" chris hemsworth asked me as he sat next to me with about 8 pancakes. 

"oh of course" i joked but he seemed dead serious. 

"i knew a guy who could get you a fake id but unfortunately for you most people will know your a teenager" lizzie said sitting on my other side. "got me kicked out of a couple clubs" she said sipping some green drink. she looked at me again and noticed my scrunched up face looking at the thing. 

"well if you want chris and i will go down and get some vodka cruisers, couple of beers, some rum, wine for the ladys, all the good stuff" hemsworth offers. "we will have our own partay" i look over to lizzie seeing if she has any objections. 

"you can have 2 or 3 drinks if you want too. nothing to strong. and dont feel pressured, you dont have to drink if you dont want to okay. make sure you know your limits too." lizzie explained. i said i would try a drink but i didnt expect myself to like it or have more than one. 

after breakfast the cast starting bringing out several gifts and i was shocked to say the least. like we've been in atlanta for a couple days so they would have to of brought these things with them. also as much as i appreciated the gifts i didnt need need them, i didnt deserve them. like i haven't done anything worth celebrating yet. 


a few gag gifts later and lizzie was handing me the presents she had bought for me. she had got me massive noise cancelling headphones which i was just inlove with along with a couple necklaces but the woman said there was 2 more she had kept to last. 

first she handed me an envelope, it wasnt her hand writing however it was similar. i turned it over and pulled out a letter. 

to mini olsen, (your one of us now) 

we would like to invite you to model for us this summer. we have as few ideas for a junior line as some of our clients gave us the idea. we would love to collaborate if you had any ideas yourself. lizard should have any other information so we hope you would consider the offer beautiful. 

xo MK and ASHLEY olsen


i looked up to lizzie with a shocked expression and she just nodded saying it was real. "this is insane" i whispered. 

"i take your reaction as a yes" lizzie said a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. 

"obviously" i said still shocked that i even got this opportunity. 

"theres one more" lizzie looks over her shoulder and i see rdj emerging from his room with a box. it gets placed infront of me and i start to get suspicious of everyone's looks. cautiously i open the box also not expecting whats in it. 

inside is a small sleepy puppy. i reached in picking up the small thing cradling it. "dick or chick" evans asks referring to the pups gender. i didnt reply to him still admiring the dog sleeping in my arms. 

"how didnt i know?" i truely questioned. i had been with lizzie practically 24/7 and she always told me when she was going out. 

"i got robert to pick her up yesterday when you slept the whole day" liz explained

"thats why i needed the water last night" downey explained further. i nodded alog thanking everyone for the gifts already growing attached to this dog. 

20 mintues later when everything was cleared and the puppy i was yet to name was sleeping everyone just piled onto the couch like all 12 of us. there was snacks drinks and movies from the 2000's playing. i was laying on lizzie as she was leaning on scar and scar was leaning on evans who had his feet on seb who was throwing popcorn in toms hair, who was sat next to rdj it was like a whole little circle. 

my circle of people. my family. 


so what are we naming the dog.

 also this was kinda bad but i had no motiavtion to write this chapter.

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