the end of the beinning

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We were outside the courthouse and I noticed lucy standing behind us with a camera. "hi sorry, you cant record here" lizzies assistant said standing infront of us. So no while they argued lizzie and I walked inside.

We got separated instantly but its fine because I knew she was here. I was led by the person that had me last time family something but I sat in my seat looking at the judge. It was an older woman who was actually really sweet I had met her at the beginning of this whole thing. She smiled at me and soon the session started.

I tried to follow what everyone was saying but there was a lot of odd sentences and words. "why do you want to adopt y/n y/l/n"

"I want to adopt y/n because she deserves stability. She deserves someone who understands the struggles of acting and fame, but also the day to day struggles of being a teenager. She deserves someone who will love and care for her just like any child needs. I want to adopt her because she has made such a positive impact on my life and I hope I have on hers" lizzies eyes flicked to mine as she finished speaking and I looked back at her with tears in my eyes and smiled.

"do you think you will be a good mother to the teenager"

"with motherhood you never know, but I can say I will try my best"

"how will you make time for your own career as well as your daughters"

"I am willing to give up everything if it means I can stand by her and support her in everything she does"

"I think we have our answer then"

"Elisabeth chase Olsen, I hereby give you courts permission to adopt y/n y/l/n" as soon as the judge banged her hammer thing I jumped out of my seat into my mums arms. She caught me with a hold like she would never let me go as I sobbed into her shoulder.

She held my head close to her holding me so tightly I almost couldn't breathe. I could stay in this moment forever.

Everything was over. I finally had my lizzie and she was actually my mum.

Lizzie put me down and held my face in her hands as I looked up at her. She ran her thumbs over my cheeks wiping away the tears. We had to sign some stuff. Like a lot of stuff. But officially I was an Olsen. My name In the acting world was still y/n y/l/n but my personal life I was y/n Olsen.

Lizzie and I sat in the car for a while after. We sat there watching the sunset unfold infront of us in complete wonderment of whats finally happened.

I was hers.

I never have to go into foster care again.

I have no connection to my parents.

And im alive.

Im free.

3rd person pov

The mother daughter duo had to drive to the group home first to get her stuff before they could go home. Tomorrow, y/n would go back to her old house to finally collect everything. To end the nightmare that was her childhood.

She was beyond scared to go back but the overwhelming feeling of happiness distracted her from it.

"do you want me to come in?" lizzie asked and the teen nodded not wanting to leave her side. Scared it was all dream.

They walked up to the house and araya opened the door. The kids jaw dropped at lizzie standing there. She let us in and dylan and lucy asked who was at the door.

"oh so they let it happen. Right" lucy said turning the camera off.

"I just have to get my stuff, thank you for everything" y/n said politely. Leading lizzie upstairs they walked into hers and hannahs room.

Walking in ellie and Brooklyn were there spread out over the two beds. "hey y/n" hannah greeted from the floor where she was writing in her jurnal again.

"hey guys" she smiled "lizzie, hannah, ellie, Brooklyn" the girl introduced pointing to everyone. They all smiled and waved in aw.

"I told you it would happen" Hannah smiled causing y/n to grin and nod.

Stuffing some of her things in her bag, since she had never really unpacked from being home from atlanta and all that. She hugged the girls goodbye and they planned to hang out later in the week because they still are really close.

After finally leaving that house forever she turned to lizzie.

"can we go to my parents house tonight, I just want everything to be completely over tonight"

"if your ready for it then of course" lizzie smiled at her teen and trying to convince herself more than lizzie she nodded.

They listened to lover you should have come over on the way there and y/n felt like her throat was closing up when the streets started to get familiar. Even lizzie slowed down a little on as they were nearing her old street.

Coming to a complete stop outside her old house the police tape still tied around the door and fence.

y/n got out of the car first walking straight up to the door. But she stopped as her hand hovered over the doorknob. She withdrew her hand into a fist and stood there.

Lizzie came up behind her ready to be there for her. She put the keys in and swung the door open. The whole house had this eery feeling. The closed windows smashed glasses. The couch was turned over cupboards were left open shoes thrown together in a pile.

From the front she could see the boarded up basement door.

So many memories in this house, few even mildly positive.

Everything was coming back to her.

She felt like she could pass out.


yous are welcome

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