waking up

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a/n did not mean to post this at 500 words but people are already reading it so if it's to late.

y/n pov

i didn't sleep through the night waking up several times. however i was feeling a bit better. i didn't dare to wake lizzie tho. shes already done enough.

i attempted to fall asleep around 4 for the 4th time tonight i had had a shower after the second time waking up so i still felt quite refreshed. it wasnt until 430 that i had finally gotten confortable and fallen asleep.

at 640 lizzie came in with some medicine and a glass of water. "hey sweetheart. how you feeling this morning" she asks in a soft tone stroaking the stay heair from my face.

"better" i croaked. she lifted the glass to my lips allowing me to take a sip.

"i don't think you should go to school y/n/n" she whispered.

"what no i need to please lizzie, i cant let dahlia down" i pleaded

"you also need to rest. y/n" she counters.

lizzies pov

y/n pouts thinking. before telling me its only one session and she will be okay. hesitantly i did agree she looked alot better than yesterday so i let her go. not before making sure she took that kids medicine again and had a bottle of water.

she didnt need to take lunch as she would only be there until like ten but she took an apple just incase.

she got ready quickly an hour before we had to leave so she could pack the rest of the things. she asked if i could sit on her bed while she packed to which i agreed to glad to keep her company.

she packed like 6 books her toiletries chargers all those sorts of things. the things she wanted with her she put in her school bag. why wouldnt she just put it in a different bag.

"you still use scarletts bag?" i ask. its from ages ago when we first met her. one night we drove her home and noticed she didn't have a bag. it could have been that she easily forgot it but scarlett gave her the plain black bag she kept in her car anyway.

"yeah i like it" she said standing up after finishing packing. she then walks over to me laying on top of me. "i haven't gotten my morning hug yet" she mumbled her face in my neck as she wraps her arms around me.

i grin wrapping my arms around her aswell. until both our phones went off. she said she was to lazy to check hers and asked what mine was about.

"its just from the cast everyone saying what time they will get to the airport and stuff" i told her using one hand to hold my phone the other gently placed on the back of y/ns head occasionally running my fingers through her hair.

"oh and evans and scar want to come to school to pick you up after class" i added seeing as scarlett just informed me of that.

"mhm" the teen mumbled comfortable in her position. we laid there for a while until eventually it was time to head to school.

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