are we still friends

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y/n pov

i went back to my bed to get comfortable and because it was right infront of the tv waiting for scarlett to come back with the food. i scrolled through my phone when i got an incomming call from dahlia. i accepted it immediately. 

"hello my love" she smiled upon seeing my face. "your near Christchurch right? whats that 3 hours behind gold coast, so its 5pm" dahlia made an educated quess.

"yes actually, how do you know time zones off the top of your head" she replys saying she just knows things. "hows your day then" i asked showing the phone to lizzie when she wondered who i was on the phone with. 

"hey lizzie!" she called out before answering "pretty okay considering everything-" we continued to talk and catch up before she had to go to bed. by then scarlett had come back baring food. 

i jumped back over to the double bed and squeezed in between my "mothers". scarlett was more of a cool wine aunt but also very motherly. maybe shes my nan in this whole marvel family. 

scarlett rested her hand on my knee as lizzie wrapped her arm around my shoulders. a blanket was pulled up over all of us as scarlett chose to watch meet the robinsons. "you share that one this one is for me" scar laughed as she leant forward to grab both pizzas. 

i had no obligements and grabbed a piece of pizza from the box.  "i love this movie with the entirety of my being" i said as lewis started to make his pb and j machine. 

"i loved it too, when it first came out" lizzie mentioned tracing her nails over my arm. i leaned more into her as my legs shifted to hook over scarletts a little. 

we watched quite a few movies together as the rain still poured outside. it was maybe 3-4pm when i was in need of a nap. recently when i finished work or was on my breaks in the afternoon it wouldnt be uncommon for me to be napping. but today i had yet to have said nap. so i was beyond tired. 

as scar shifted to doing buisness things for the outset and i cuddled more into my mother i found myself quickly falling asleep. she always had that effect. 

i woke up in the bed alone and it was now dark outside. with nothing better to do i went on my phone immedietly seeing a text saying scar and lizzie had gone down for a gym session. my legs still hurt from my performace this morning. scrolling through instagram my feed is flooded with posts about dahlia pines new boyfriend. this was news to me. as her girlfriend. 

"australian surfer seen hugging her ex boyfriend just a few weeks after the rumour of her and actor y/n y/l/n surfaced of them dating" 

dahlia had told me about this boyfriend. she wouldnt tell me everything some things she doesnt want to experience again and i get that. but the things she had told me were pretty bad so i had no idea as to why she would get back together with him. 

i scroll through more of the photos and its quite literally just them hugging. doesn't mean their dating. right?

maybe long distance doesnt work anyway. 

3rd person pov

for the rest of the evening y/n felt shitty. that unknowing feeling stuck inside of her. what was even worse is that dahlia wasnt awake to answer her. 20 minutes later and liz and scar walk through the door all sweaty and puffed. 

"i really needed that" scarlett said rushing to the bathroom before lizzie could. 

"can i go for a walk?" y/n asked lizzie in a hopeful tone but lizzie looked unsure noticing the storm still raging outside. 

"sweetheart its really raining out there. if your bored we can go do something?" the mother offered making the teen shrug. "doesnt your friend ty live here now? you could see if she was free" 

y/n pulled out her phone instantly to text the brunette as she needs a solid hangout with someone her age. "she is actually. and she said her friend lilly and her could drive over and come get me. ugh but do i really feel like hanging out with people" 

lizzie chuckled at her daughters thought tracks and encouraged her to do what she feels like which only made the teen groan because she herself could not decide. 

does she A. hang out with her friend to distract herself from thinking about how her girlfriend may not love her 

or B. stay inside with her family who will probably notice something was wrong and ask her about it. 

after about ten minutes of debate she decides option A. because why not run for your problems because who would want to deal with anything in a good way. 

"ill see you at 8 then sweetheart, please text me if anything happns" 


short and shit but words are not wording. 

teen on set  ~  marvel cast Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora