school carrereres

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"so today we have some guest speakers for you in the arts programs -" my school was putting on this assembly for people's careers so they can talk to people in the thing they want to do. other rooms and auditoriums around the school had sport ones or trade or whatever.

i was here because i already have a career. my spot was in the back row so i could barely see anything but atleast i was beside dahlia. who also knows what shes doing.

first it was the musicians and a local band came out but so did olivia rodrigo. i guess to get a difference between smaller artists and world wide names. 

that bit in itself took 40 minutes of talking and questions. but now it was theatre/acting i wonder if i'd know who's coming.

i was talking to dahlia as we were both now bored about to ask lizzie if i can go over to hers tonight because her parents and hayden are in new york for his game. the actors come out but of course.its  just my luck.

the avengers walked out onto the stage. i could see their eyes scanning the crowd.
"miss can i go to the toilet" i asked the teacher at the end of our line. she nodded and i stood up trying to leave before they noticed me.

"hey y/n/n!" i hear rdj's voice call out. everyone's eyes turn to look at me and i turned around sending him a glare from across the hall.

i gave them all a look and waved shaking my head before continuing to the toilet.
a couple minutes later when i came back the principle called out to me and a teacher started leading me to the front.

i didn't sign up for this.

 "y/n being a big actor yourself what advice would you give your fellow peers based on your own experiences" my principle asked me. i looked out to the hundred or so students infront of me.

"be open minded, take risks and dont be incompetent" i said taking a step back from him as he was so close to me. the acting part finished after that and i walked off and no one noticed.

i found the cast backstage and went up to give them hugs as i hadnt seen the boys in a while, other than chris. but other than that i had my arms wrapped around lizzie now. it was one of those days i just needed a hug. she seemed to notice as she had her arms wrapped around me rocking back and forth. 

"can i stay over at dahlias tonight?" i asked her and she agreed and i stayed with her until the bell went. they had this lunch put on by the school to thank them for coming to go to while i went to hide in the back of the library. 

later on 

dark clouds had rolled around and its like the temperature dropped. i had dahls jumper and charles jacket on at the same time and i was still cold. it was last session and i was in my spare with ariana, and charles. 

we were in the senior area on the couches all with laptops out studying. we had all posted a photo of us on our stories so our phones were blowing up which was distracting and annoying. i was doing my phycology assessment with my noise cancelling headphones on. genuinely since lizzie gave them to me i havent stopped using them. 

being a senior is so weird, i didnt even think i would make it into finishing highschool. but now i think i could. a teacher walked passed and it was miss king. "i miss you being in my classes" she said as i smiled at her. 

"i miss being in your classes" 

"you guys going to kaydens party tonight" charles asked

"cant, if anything of me got out at a party with underage drinking the scandals would be relentless" i said making ariana agree. 

"dont you drink though?" "only sometimes, and only with friends, i dont even want to go to a party anyway" i shrugged and he nodded showing us what he was going to wear. 

i had my music up so i didnt realize the bell had went until they started getting up. i followed them out to the car park where i met dahlia. only once we had left i realised i still had charles jumper. 

oh well. dahlia and i got food on the way home that we were eating in the car. "you doing good?" she asked me and i nodded. 

"for a while i was amazing but its just one of those days today" i shrugged taking another bite. she nodded and soon we were back at her house. it was so empty without her family but we went to her room. i was so tired i could honestly go to sleep.

i crawled into her bed and she got changed then got in beside me sitting up. i rolled over so i was laying between her legs as she wrapped her arms around me. her hands were just under my jumper holding my hips as i dug my hands under her. it reminded me of last year when i went to her house for the first time. 

in a couple months it will be a year since then. it seriously feels like yesterday. i relaxed into her listening to her breathing. "you tired or something" she laughed as i closed my eyes. 

"shut up" i laughed pulling the blanket over me more. she held onto me until i fell asleep. 


i got floor tickets for billie 

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