going back there

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a/n just wanted to start by saying dont compare your trauma or anything to other people everyones trauma is vaild.

tw disccription of the basement towards the end.

"whats wrong" lizzie asks walking over to y/n putting her hands on the frightened girls arms. 

"my parents" she mumbled eyes unfocused 

"what about them sweetheart, did they contact you again" y/n shakes her head and passes her phone to lizzie who sees scarlets contact. tilting her head she calls scarlett on her phone seeing a missed call. 

"lizzie?" scarlet question

"yeah hey,  ive just come out to the room and y/n seems panicked and is barely talking, what happened, it says you called her" lizzie asked rubbing her hands up and down y/ns arms as the girl stares ahead blankly.

"shit, i knew she could react like that" 

"scarlet whats happened"

"y/ns parents came to set, they wanted to see her, but after i told them were u were they bolted. i told y/n that and told her that they could try to leave. so i suggest you guys get a police officer to her house" scarlett explained and lizzie could hear that she was driving. 

"thats not good, okay thank you for telling us ill tell them, bye scar" 

"update me later, bye lizzie".

y/n pov

they cant get away right. its not that easy. lizzie grabbed my hand as she lead us over to a team in uniforms. i didnt really hear what they were saying but something about my address, procedures and all that. 

we started walking again and i stayed close to lizzie holding her hand tightly. the offices piled into police cars as we got in the back of a cop car. i dont know why we couldnt just take lizzies it was so much more comfortable but i guess not much is safer than a cop car

"so you two will stay in here with officer nero while we go in and arrest mr and ms y/l/n. okay then your welcome to go in and grab your stuff as soon as we clear the house" the officer driving informed keeping his eyes on the road. lizzie nodded. 

"im here okay" lizzie reminds me and i nod to her so thankful she had stuck by me. like what if she never noticed that day, or i didnt open up. what, would i be beaten to a pulp in the bottom of my parents basement. 

the car stops and i look out the window to see people going in and surrounding the house. some of my neighbours came out of their houses to see what all the cops were doing here. some i had talked to before others i only knew of their existence. (if you know what i mean)

two officers went over to my neighbour ned who i only met 2 times once while he was watering his lawn and i had been walking home for school and the second time when his son had thrown the ball over our fence. he was a new neighbour so i doubted he knew much useful information. 

suddenly a officer walks out of the house shaking his head. threw the cars radio we heard a bunch of people talking, saying clear etc however one sentence caught my attention "no ones here sir" 

fuck. they defiantly left. i unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door fast enough that no one noticed until i already stepped out of the car. 

"Y/N" i herd lizzie call after me but i had to see for myself that they were gone. i ran threw the house passing confused officers, the whole place was empty. important files were on the table that means they probably to passports 

i ran upstairs looking for any sign of them but nothing. for fucks sake. i can feel myself start to break down as my parents keep making everything so difficult. why couldnt i just get normal, loving parents. i stopped myself from crying as i kept thinking. Other people have it way worse why am i complaining. there is so many worse outcomes yet here i am almost in tears because of my situation its pathetic really. 

suddenly there was an all clear and lizzie came into the house. she ran up to where i was on the stairs giving me a hug

"their gone" i mumble 

"i know sweetheart, the police will find them okay" lizzie comforts holding my head close to her chest. "why dont we grab your stuff and get out of here yeah, i think this calls for milkshakes and frys" we laugh

"id like that" i mumble savouring the last of the hug before lizzie followed me. first i walked outside which she was confused by until i grabbed the bag i threw out the window all that time ago, when i had planned to leave. i brushed the dirt off the bag, it didnt get wet or anything which confused me. i checked inside everything was dry and safe. i look back over to lizzie who was very confused as i slung the bag over my shoulder. i can tell she has something she wants to ask but sides against it. we walk back into the house and i check behind me to make sure lizzie was following as i didnt want to be alone in the house. 

she was so i continued up the stairs to my room at the very end of the hall. i will admit it was quite the mess but lizzie has seen me look worse so i was barely embarrassed by it. i walk around my room grabbing a few things noticing lizzie look around at all my decorations and things like that. 

"oh my god is that you" lizzie grins holding up a photo of me when i was 4

"no and that photo should have been burned years ago" i say leaning over the bed to grab it off her however she simply holds it above my reach. 

"hey come on its cute" she smiles still looking at the photo of me with a missing tooth, stupid grin on my face. it was from a camping trip my family and family friends went on what 10 years ago. that was before it all changed. i was shirtless but you could barely tell since i was covered in mud. my hair was a mess and the pure innocence and joy in my eyes was something i missed. that trip was amazing. but its not my life anymore. 

i roll my eyes at lizzie as she continues to look around my room. i go into the connected bathroom grabbing a couple things before returning again. everything i wanted still fit in the one duffle bag i had thrown out the window so it wasnt to heavy. 

i looked up to see if lizzie was done and saw her looking at my books on my desk. trailing her finger over the spines. 

"you've read it ends with us" lizzie stops in her tracks looking at me. i freeze well this is awkward. i was about to answer when a police officer walked in. 

"sorry to interupt but we cant find how to get to the basement and you said in the file that uh" i stopped him and grabbed my bag following him. i feel the bag get lifted and look back to see lizzie had grabbed it. i shoot her a thankful look walking down the rest of the stairs. 

"uh its just in here fellas" i say dont know why i said fellas but lets roll with it. i open the door beneath the stairs real harry potter style and go down the stairs to the basement. 

all the memories flood back to me at once. to make the situation worse there was blood on the floor my blood. shit ton of weapons on the floor and table none of them clean if you know what i mean. my breath hitches and i feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders as im leaded out of there. 

spider on the walls pov (ik u missed it)

oh y/ns back. WAIT Y/NS BACK NO NO  NOOO. i thought she got out i hadnt seen her for a while and i hoped. oh shit. but then wait. cops follow her and then another woman. the woman seems to have an effect on y/n. thats nice. y/n leaves the room seeming happy with the woman and im glad she escaped. 

"hey mitch can you kill that spider please" a officer asks pointing in my direction. before i can even make it out of my web something comes flying at m-.............


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