boys make it interesting

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"hes cranky because you fell asleep leaning on him but as soon as liz sat down you went straight to her" rdj explains showing the video. 

"maybe she just likes me better chris" lizzie laughs at her friend.

"do you agree with this statement y/n" he sasses. when i make the move to nod he stands up "BOYS WE"VE PRACTICED THIS" all of a sudden im getting picked up but i still feel safe. its the cast afterall. 

they start shouting air jail while holding me above all their heads. it was seb, chris h, chris e and mackie. rdj was filming again. god hes a facebook mom. renner and scarlett were laughing their asses off.

"air jail really" i cross my arms as eventually their arms will get tired. sooner rather than later hopefully. 


ive been here for 10 minutes. fucking beasts ngl. i wouldnt even hold a bag of rice over my head for more than 2. i grab my phone out of my pocket and start texting people. i send some photos to the twins and dahlia, complaining more to dahls about 'air jail' 

"how are you guys arms not tired" i question to the audience. 

"dont even feel it anymore" "my arms are numb" (that one was mackies) "2 words kid. beast mode" okay damn.

they only last a couple more minutes before putting or should i say dropping me on the couch. lizzie told them now they had to cook her and scar will clean which they agreed to. i complained saying im doing something so they gave me the child job of setting the table. 

im so gonna get bullied by these boys.

scarlett in her taylor era starts playing more taylor swift and lizzie, and ALL the boys start singing. now im recording as the house has an open floor plan. 

(you guys pick what one you want)

this was bloody ridiculous and now that it was announced to the world and i gained like 200 thousand followers i decided to put it on my story. i already know anything embarrassing of me will be put on their accounts so yay. im not done recording yet tho and imma ask the boys first so they atleast know and i have their permission. 

so thats where we are now. they allowed me to post the video yes but now rdj has put the air jail video on his story tagging us all. well other than lizzie and scar.  fun fact they both have accounts just for friends i think scars is disguised as a fanpage and lizzies just doesnt have her name. 

i put the  air jail on my story aswell as i was tagged and why not. after that and its moved to sad taylor the boys are being dramatic. i was cuddling up to lizzie. i was still stressed about what my parents had texted me and i could tell she was too. plus i was still tired. 

at first i was just leaning on her side playing with her fingers and the rings when she moved sideways on the couch laying down and opening her arms. i fall into her laying almost all the way on top of her.

sighing contently i relax my head on her chest as she runs a hand through my hair the other rubbing my arm softly. she pulls a blanket over us making it all the much better. the amount of comfort right now off the charts. 

"oh is it a group hug, with out me" evans comes in still offended from earlier and lays on top of us making lizzie groan at the extra weight but it was just like a weighted blanket. kinda i was still getting squashed. 

"alright off, back in the kitchen" lizzie whacks his head not so playfully. 

"your not getting chicken nuggets then" are they seriously making nuggets and chips. i mean im not complaining actually that sounds amazing. 

i lay with lizzie for another 10 minutes completely calm with no worries. her touch is everything its so comforting. i get this much comfort from few people. lizzies my favourite though. 

no that im thinking about it i need listen to all the voice messages i was sent by the twins. i kinda forgot and i know their gonna yell. i told the cast i was going to my room, dreading getting up but i kinda wanna see their reactions and it most likely wouldnt be PG. tom said he will come get me when foods ready as i was leaving which i thanked him for

oh god. 

"BITCH YOU REALLY DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE IN MARVEL. i am hurt truly. its like you dont like us NAH THO CHRIS HEMSWORTH HOT AF AND IM NOT EVEN GAY........9" jessie shouts in the first one


i do not want to think about the smut i have stumbled upon about these people. 

anyway i continue to reply to the many messages i have finding it tiring talking to so many people. i am glad the media knows my other account rather than my main as thats where all my friends are. on my other one its my first and middle name with an underscore. like yeah. 

i just enjoy the alone time and didn't realise it had been that long until there was a knock on my door. 

"dinners ready y/n" tom smiles as we walk dowstairs again. i grab handfulls of cutlery walking around the table to set it. the boys bring over 3 MASSIVE bowels. one has a salad in it another has a plate of chicken nuggets, chicken breast and snitzels. so many options. and the last bowl has a mix of potato jems and chips. 

theres a minute so people can say whatever they say before eating the meal. i dont know how many people here were religious but i wasnt so i sat there listening to my thoughts for a minute before conversations started and everyone started eating. 


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