suspicious hangovers

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this is in apology for scaring you guys.

y/n pov
i wake up in our hotel room the next day severely hungover. after the cast and crew dinner everyone might have gone to the boys room and got drunk and i might of snagged a few drinks.

i don't remember what happened last night until it all started to come back to me.

(last night)

the cast acted like a bunch of uni students playing silly drinking games and getting drunk of cheep hotel alcohol.

i should be scared of alcohol after my parents but i'm not. i'm just scared to get addicted. i finish my second drink and join in on twister with evans renner and scarlett.

"scar left hand on blue" hemsworth called out watching as she tried her best to reach the only way possible was if her face was against evans ass.

"don't you dare fart" scarlett warned turning her head at a weird angle just so she was staring at his rear end. chris being chris shook his ass in her face almost falling out of his own twisted position.

"y/n right foot on green" she sa if taking another sip of her wine.

i twist and reach it but fall knocking over renner and scarlett. scar falls into evans ass which she was not happy about and came to attack me.

the blond picked me up and threw me over her shoulder as she refused to put me down. jeremy joined in and grabbed my ankles as the two held me between them.
they swung me side to side and i was getting very dizzy.

"put her down" lizzie said saving me.

i groaned as that explained why my body felt so sore and stood up from my bed catching my reflection in the mirror. i dark bruise was on my forehead that i do not remember getting. i think for a while but nothing.

"good morning sweetheart" lizzie said coming out of the bathroom. i smile and go up to hug her. she hugs me before pulling my head back seeing the bruise on my head.

" you threw that ping pong ball pretty hard didn't you bub" she laughed kissing my forehead. that's when i remembered what happened.

it was my turn and i bounced the ball on the table landing in one of the cups. i drunk whatever was in there and it burned down my throat but it felt good.

on my next turn i throw the ball a little harder to get the back one but it seems i threw it to hard as it bounced off the table onto the wall then came flying back at me.

the small ball pelted into my forehead but i barely felt it bending down to find it and continue the game.

i stretch and crack my back as i notice none of my things are around. "liz where is everything?" i asked and she turned around smirking at me.

"we're going home a day early" she said and i nodded not caring.

"just us?" i questioned noticing scars things were still around. she nodded and i looked out the window to see it was absolutely bucketing down. "do i have to get changed?" i asked seeing as it was cold and i was quite comfortable in evans tracksuit pants and dahlias hoodie.

"no you'll be fine like that" she said telling me to grab my phone and anything else she missed. i looked over at the clock to see it was 1pm so she must've had all day to pack up everything.

"where is everyone" i yawned as we walked down to the lobby.

"having lunch, we will get something from the airport" she said wrapping an arm around my shoulders once she saw me shivering.

i didn't question why we were leaving early and hopped into the car quickly. i didn't question anything actually. not looking at the direction we were travelling in or where we were going.

we were sitting in the first class lounge as our flight wasn't for another 2 hours. lizzie ordered us lunch and we were waiting for that to come out.

my phone started to ring and i quickly answered it since my phone wasn't on silent. i didn't have time to see who it was before answering.

"hello this is y/n y/l/n speaking" i said automatically in a panicked but monotone voice.

"hello y/n my name is dahlia pine, i wish to ask you how your day has been as you have yet to respond to my previous text messages"

"oh dahls hi, i didn't read the name sorry" i apologised and she laughed causing me to smile. it had been ages since i heard her laugh.

"well cariño it is also a face time so if i could see your beautiful face instead of your ear" she said and i pulled my phone from my ear to see my love staring back at me. i smiled at her glad i had my headphones on.

i took in every detail of her really missing being able to see her face to face. only a couple more days. then we can talk about everything. i hope it all goes back to normal.

i noticed dark red mark around her neck that she has attempted to hide with foundation and her hoodie. just as i opened my mouth to ask about it she shot me a question of her own.

"why is there a bruise on your forehead" she said instantly worried.

"agressive game of beer pong. why is there a red mark on your neck" she looked shocked at me asking her that question and tried to cover it up by holding her hoodie move closed at the top.

"it's nothing amore" she dismissed and i saw her face fall for a second before she smiled again. "how was last night, you seemed to have a lot of fun" she said and i looked at her confused.

"i didn't post anything anywhere did i?!" i asked frantically and she shook her head with a laugh.

"no but you sent me quite a few videos" she smiled at me and i opened any app i could think off only to find a lot of saved videos in snapchat. just great.

several flights got announced but i couldnt here the destinations because of the noise canceling on my headphones.

"whatever" i rolled my eyes since the videos were highly embarrassing half of them me singing the music that was playing. " oh that reminds me. do you remember someone named lilly from your old school?" i questioned

"yeahhhh...oh no yeah yes i do" she confirmed with a nod. "how do you know her?" she questioned

"she's friends with jamie's ex now and they saw the photo of me and you on my instagram" i said and she nodded.

"yeah she was cool" after dahlia said that j felt a tapping on my shoulder and i pulled my headphones off.

"our flight" lizzie mentioned and i nodded grabbing my bag.

"i gotta go, i'll call you when i land my love" i say standing up and she nodded letting me go.

it wasn't until we were on the plane i checked the flight thing and noticed we were in fact not going on a 20 or whatever flight home but 3 hours flight to australia.

i looked at lizzie with a confused look but she didn't look up from her book. i noticed she had a small smile on her face and sat back in my seat as we took off.

i cant wait.

teen on set  ~  marvel cast Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant