not so helpful police

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its the end of the day and lizzie and y/n had talked, y/n agreed to go to the police this afternoon and it made her nervous the entire afternoon. now she sat on the couch in the main area, her leg bouncing as she was scrolling through instagram. 

lizzie walks in and brushes y/ns hair back kissing her head. "you ready to go?" she questions y/n looks back at lizzie slowly nodding putting her phone in her pocket.  

before they knew it lizzie pulled up near the police station. she didnt need people seeing them at a police station it would just rise suspicions. lizzie holds y/ns hands as they walk into the station. 

"good evening ladies, how can i help you" a nice woman at the front desk asks. y/n just looks up at lizzie who smiles and squeezes her hand

" yeah is there someone we could talk to um like a person from child services" lizzie asked, the womans expression softened and she nodded

"of course, ill go arrange it feel free to take a seat just over there" she points getting up to walk off. they nod and go take a seat y/n practically vibrating from nerves her leg bouncing up and down rapidly 

"its gonna be okay sweetheart" lizzie assures putting a hand on her knees "i can tell your thinking about all the what if's, we will stay together okay, ill do everything i can. even if i have to go all scarlet witch on them" with that lizzie made y/n laugh. they smiled at eachother y/n resting her head on lizzies shoulder as the duo waited to be told the next move. 

the woman walks in again and points an officer in their direction. he smiled at them before speaking "good afternoon, im officer davies and i work for child protective services, if you guys wanted to follow me we can go somewhere more comfortable" 

y/n pov

this guy talks with his hands alot and he has a chin hair that sticks out weirdly. we walk into the room i can tell was used for younger kids that came into the station but i appreciated it anyway as it was probably better than the normal rooms. 

"so what brings you here today" he questions with a clipboard infront of him and a pen in his hand. why does this feel like im being interrogated. i dont know if he wants me to answer so i just look up at lizzie again. i feel like a helpless child. 

lizzie looked down at me, reading me perfectly and knowing i want her to speak. "we would like to file a report against mike y/l/n and angela y/l/n" davies writes the names down before looking back up.

"and what for" he asks i dont think he meant it in a rude way but it sounded like that. lizzie squeezes my hand signalling for me to answer the question. so avoiding eye contact with the officer i list a couple things 

"child abuse, neglect, tax fraud, child endangerment i think?" i question not really knowing if getting shoved in the bottom of the boot of the car with suitcases stacked on top of me, driving across the boarders on a 17 hour road trip counted but what do i know. 

"you think?" he questioned and i explained a couple storied that i think counted. "yep okay. these are some serious accusations uh y/n could you give us any evidence to these statements" he asked judging me. course he doesn't believe me. 

"do you have the photos?" i leaned over and asked lizzie. i know it would be better if we showed the real thing but i dont trust this guy enough for that. lizzie nodded opening the photos from the other day and showing davies. who responded in a serious of hums. 

"and these are not edited" he questioned "you dont have physical evidence i can see" 

"if you dont trust the photos can we at least get a female officer in here" lizzie asked which i was glad we were on the same page. i dont like this guy or his pathetic haircut 

"im just doing my job ma'am" he sighs "but if you insist" davies gets up and walks out of the room. 

"you okay so far" lizzie asked me, i nodded holding her hand with both mine. 

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