in need of an explanation asap

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not proof read.

y/n pov
dahlia invited me to go to her friends birthday party and of course i agreed. it was a massive thing on the beach and honestly sounded so fun. it was an afternoon to night thing ending in a campfire.

i wore swimmers then some clothes over top while dahlia and her friends came to pick me up. she can drive now which is cool.

"i'll see you tomorrow mum" i said saying goodbye to lizzie who told me to be safe, not to get drunk and to have fun.

i went outside and saw 3 girls and a guy standing around a car waiting. dahlia met me half way greeting me with a short kiss. she pulled away and she had an exited light in her eyes.

"okay lovebirds come on, do that in your own time" the girl with the keys said causing the group to laugh and dahlia grab my hand.

"y/n, meet ayden, cassie, emma and maddie" dahlia pointed between them and i nodded. smiling back.

we all got into the car and drove the short 5 minutes to the beach. "oh she's a bit hot out here" cassie said throwing on a pair of sunnies.

"33 feels like 39" ayden said looking at his phone.

i turned to dahlia quickly about to ask what that's in Fahrenheit when she already whispered it to me.

"like 100 degrees" she said and i nodded. they grabbed some large camp chair thing that said cocabanna on it as well as an esky and towels.

we were walking for a bit before the sound of a metal drink bottle dropping cause us to stop.

"no i scratched my frank green" maddie said picking up the waterbottle. emma and ayden laughed at her.

5 hours later.

it was just pass sunset now and there was a lot of teenagers here. a large speaker and table sat in the middle as everyone ran to the water or stood around talking.

"here try this" dahlia said plopping down beside me. she passed me a drink and i read the label. bundaberg blood orange sparkling drink. i took a sip and it was quite nice. "want one?" she asked and i shrugged.

she told me to keep it and we talked for a bit before she went to go say hi to an old friend. i had been talking to ayden and cassie all night so it was fine.

an hour or so later.

i hadn't seen dahlia in a while so i decided to go look for her. cassie offered to come with me as she can't let me get lost or dahlia will kill her. it was almost 9pm now if they hadn't lit the fire i would be getting rated alive by mozzies right now.

i was walking around crowds. drinking some drink cassie got me called hard solo. i think i catch a glimpse of her and walk a little bit faster but then she turned and was tounge deep in some guys face.

i stopped in my tracks and just stared. surely it's not her. right? 

but when they finally pulled away i saw her clear as day. the guy grabbed her ass and lifted her up spinning MY girlfriend around.

maybe this is why she hasn't been talking to me.

i wasn't good enough.

the day before.

dahlias pov

i knew y/n coming was a surprise visit so it was hard to keep myself from smiling as we talked on the phone. as soon as we hung up however i got another text from xavier.

answer my fucking messages pine
you know what happens when you don't.
or do you need a reminder
attachment 1 image

xavier please stop, i don't like you anymore.
your fucked in the head

watch your mouth fag

my mum calls me so i leave him on read and we leave for the airport.

i was so exited to see y/n again. but since the rumours of yn and i being together xavier keeps trying to talk to me. i can't ignore him because i can't get away by conveniently moving countries well atleast for another week.

last time i ignored him he broke into my fucking house and did stuff. he's a psycho druggo who should be in jail. he's one thing i didn't miss about leaving aus.

he's hacked all my social media's and monitors who i talk to and what i'm doing. i'm so scared but i'm more scared to tell anyone about it. what if they don't believe me.

that's why i can barely talk to yn anymore other than calling her. i cant just message her since she has a different sim card or whatever right now from all the travelling.

i will explain everything tomorrow or something. i just need her out of the country before i do anything about xavier.

"so their not staying with us but yn is welcome to stay the night one day if you girls wanted to have a sleepover" my mum explained and i nodded.

"why not? i thought they were?" i questioned. i cleaned my room for that. granted i needed to do it anyway.

"elizabeth said she wants a breather for a bit, which being famous is understandable" she explained and i nodded. 40 minutes later we arrived at the airport.

i was waiting around for y/n to walk out and when i saw her she ran up to me. i almost fell over with how hard she hugged me but i hugged her back just as tight.

3rd person pov.
y/n wrapped her arms around dahlia resting her cheek on the brunettes shoulder.

"i missed you so much" y/n whispered as dahlia held her tightly.

"i missed you too" dahlia whispered back as if they were in their own world.

the mothers exchanged a short hug and welcome as they waited for their daughters to pull away. when they did y/n hugged dahlias mum and lizzie hugged dahlia.

"it's a bit hot out here" y/n mentioned as they stepped out of the airconed airport being welcomed by the summer aussie heat. pulling at her jumper to get some air in they hurried into the car and turned the air on instantly.

they stopped by the iga to grab some groceries quickly before heading to the airbnb. she unlocked the keys from the lock thing and entered the house. it had an amazing view of the ocean. y/n dumped her stuff in the first room she found as dahlia followed as anna and lizzie went to put the groceries away

the door closed behind them and dahlia pulled the actress in for a short kiss. "it's been too long since i've done that" dahlia said pulling y/n in close just needing to hold her girlfriend.

"tomorrow night if your up for it it's my friends birthday party, i would love if you came with me" dahlia said as they laid on the bed.

"i'd love too. i want to learn more about you" y/n said. "about what it was like before you moved"

"there's not much to know" dahlia assured her but y/n wasn't convinced.

lizzie's pov
once the pines left i went to have a shower to wash away that plane feel. and try to get the sinking feeling from my chest.

i got a call last night and i cant bare thé thought of what's gonna happen now.

sweating like a balls asscrack rn.
fuck this heatwave my aircons legit broken.

teen on set  ~  marvel cast Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin