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Jhope pov.

Let me just tell you that girl was a fucking nightmare, excuse my language but that was the worst two hours I ever spent with one of my students.

First of all she was clingy as fuck , trying to rubbe and touch me when ever she could .

She literally couldn't do anything,like the whole 2 hours all she said was 'i can't do it ' and start acting sad and shit .


Like no way this girl truly wants to learn dancing,to be honest I don't know why the fuck she even came like .....ugh man .

Over all am just happy it all ended even though it was a pain in the ass but it passed ,So... good for me.

I decided to give my self a treat and thought about going to get some ice cream maybe take a walk in the park or something.

Oh I also bought this new book ,it talks about how to be a better person and how to share what you are good at to the world.

I love dancing, always did ,since a very young age I always felt like dancing was this gorgeous way of showing your emotions and your deepest darkest feelings all in simple gorgeous moves.

Anyways,I was about to leave the house when I remembered Mr handsome in my room .

The guy looked like a model yet had a kind of scary aura and body too ,this man sure worked out when he was in prison, talking about prison,why was he taken away in the first place.

I have to stop staring at nothing and go see if the guy will be coming with me or not .

I went up stairs to both change in clean clothes and see if Tae will come with me .

"Oh, your done " Tae said face plain, with no emotions,he was holding his phone but looked away to face me when hearing me enter the room.

"Yeah , um......I was thinking about going for a walk and buying some ice cream would you like to join?" Jhope asked approaching his wardrobe to pick some clothes.

"Just say you don't want to be leaving me alone at your home , it's easier"Tae said his face still the same as he scrolled through his phone.

"No ...no it's not like that , it's......"jhope trailed.

"It's what ?" Tae asked now sitting up right on his bed and putting his phone to the side. Staring at jhope , waiting for an answer

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