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"hobi ,why are you wearing a turtleneck sweater when it's that hot outside, are you sick or something honey " Mimi asked concerned.

Jhope , Tae and Mimi were all sitting on one dining table having a peaceful dinner.

Jhope wasn't expecting that question to come out of his mother's mouth now , making him shock on his water .

Taehyung imiditly started patting his back and rubbing it trying to soothe him while Mimi sat there watching the scene ,happy that the two got along pretty well.

" A.....am well mom ,am okay " jhope coughed.

" But you have been constantly wearing turtlenecks ,and when I take them to wash them you wear scarfs , why ? " Mimi asked .

" It's fashion mom " jhope replied, though not convinced he him self but he still hoped his mother would believe, and before she could say anything else jhope got up thanking his mom for the food before leaving his plate in the empty sink and heading upstairs.

Seconds later tae followed , leaving Mimi sitting alone on the table .

She decided to serch the reasons why her son would constantly be covering his neck .

' your son maybe hiding something. From possible self harm even though it is rare for people to often self harm there , to your son possibly hiding hickeys or being bullied for instance '

Mimi kept on reading more and more  articals .

She ended up having two suspesions ,either this man called tae is  bullying her son and hurting him or that hobi is secretly very ill and needs to see a doctor quick.

Mimi was about to run upstairs to her son's room when she resived a massage from Emily saying ' I need to tell you something important auntie, it's about hobi ' the massage read .

Mimi then replied ' okay honey you can come over ' and for some reason Mimi's heart kept beating fast.

Minutes later Emily came nocking on the front door . Mimi quickly ran to open the door  , Mimi had already been worried sick for those couple of minutes wondering if what Emily had to say  also had to do with what's going on with jhope's neck.

Emily came in and sat with Mimi in the living room.

". So what did you have to tell me sweety " Mimi nicely asked

" Well ..........I don't know how to tell you this but .......the other day me and hobi were supposed to have a lesson.......I went and kept nocking on the door but no response,I gave it some time thinking he was busy with something and will come now but he didn't,so I decided to climb to his room ." At that last part Mimi raised one of her eye brows in suspicion and worry.

" I know what you think auntie but you have to listen to me okay , I climbed up to look through his room window and saw....................." Emily trailed unable to continue.

" Saw what ,you can tell me " Mimi said trying to sound assuring but she was just feeling too many emotions now.

" Saw hobi having sex with his cousin........... Tae" Emily blurted out a tear rolling onto her cheek

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