26 -end-

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It was hard .

Getting kicked out of your home wasn't fun and having to keep looking for work day and night wasn't fun either.

But like they say you have to give up on something for better things to come up .

Through this period of time I haven't heard from my mom nor anyone from our town or the tranis I used to train . As if I had no phone that people could contact me from and it made me even more depressed, but having Tae beside me through this whole chios was soothing and comferting to some point.

Having someone besides you that would help and support you not matter what feels amazing and Tae helped me feel that .

With he help and constant support and encouraging , I managed to find  a dance studio that was in need of dancers ,they accepted me and now I earn enough money to help me and taehyung live .

While tae wasn't as lucky at first, considering his criminal record people wouldn't let him work with them ,but eventually he found a small company that ignored his criminal record and concentrated more on his capabilitys witch was amazing.

His money over my money ,we bought a small house for the both of us that fit us perfectly.

I know this all may seem fairytale like , two who happened to meet under wired and unexpected circumstances,both got kicked out of the only place they could possibly stay at ,and not only that but trusted each other and had enough fath in one another that no one will be leaving the other any time soon .

But it's true , it's real ,love is real .

No matter who you are , you can always find meaning full and a never ending love .

And I found that love with my cousin. Tae

You guys don't know how much am happy that I finished this story,not because I got bored of it or anything,but it's because whenever I start a new story I always have this feeling that I will always leave it unfinished.

I really hope you guys loved the story and more importantly the ending.

Wait for the authors note ...... that's only if you'd care to .🙂💜💜💜 Will miss y'all

And I can't leave without thanking those five people for being the most active on my story, thanks 💜


And to celtypoop  for giving me support and encouraging me to work harder


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