ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

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I would love to just unsee what I saw right now, but now I can't, so I have to act like I don't know. simple.

After taking a few deep breaths and calming my heart, I stepped out of the room. Everything is fine, everything is fine, nothing to worry about. I put a board smile on my face. 

"How does this look on me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it looks good on you. Shall we get another one?"

"Ah, no, no. this is fine. Thanks" I said, my hands trembling a little. 


"It's fine?" I laugh nervously,

"Excuse me, can you get everything she has tried on," Armando said to the employee as he looks at him shocked, everything I tried on? Bruh, I tried on at least 50 dresses and shirts and pants and whatnot and he is buying all of that??

The scary man is nowhere to be found and Alex is just sitting where he was before, still playing games. Armando is talking to the employee and holding a few clothes. the employee looks like he is going to pee his pants. Maybe that's his normal look. who knows? 

Yes, yes I know I'm acting like a dumbass, ignoring all the red flags. Maybe Armando is threatening the employee to forget that maybe he or Alex has knocked out a man. But you know what? Ignorance is bliss.

Armando ran all the way from the back of the store to us. The bodyguards who were behind us the entire time hiding behind signs and acting like secret spies or something came out of their hiding, holding all the shopping bags that covered their arms completely.

"Let's go home, okay? I am exhausted already," Armando stretched his arms to show how tired he was, adding a big yawn to the drama.

Alex rubbed his eyes and said "Mee toooo, My eyes are hurting,"  

My god, their acting is so good, they both should get an oscar. 

"Okay, I'm tired too," I chuckled inside and we walked to where the car was parked. Alex's arms were holding so many shopping bags and Armando's too. I kinda feel bad for them, but then again I do not, but then again I kinda do. 


The moment I reached the house, I muttered a big thank you and ran up all the bags in my hands, and dashed into my room.

I jumped into the bed and took out the phone, I couldn't stop looking at it. I finally got my first phone and Ahhhh, I'm so happy.

I quickly opened discord, logged in, and messaged Chrissy. I hope she's online and not lazing around.

Vecna💞(Vivian): Yoo, you there? Answer fast dumbhead.

EvilB🖤(Chrissy): Yuppp, I'm here. 

Vecna💞: Hey, can you find information about Leonardo Moretti?

EvilB🖤: Uh, why?

Vecna💞: Cuz, he's my dad.

EvilB🖤: Repeat that again 😲

Vecna💞: Yes, he is my dad, just find some information about him. Like if he's involved in some crime or something, and about my brothers. All of them.

 EvilB🖤: Woah, let me get this straight. You are the daughter of THE LEONARDO MORETTI, the extremely rich guy with tons of businesses and you have, what 5 brothers, and you can't use google?

Vecna💞: I know how to use google okay? I just don't have the time to search. My brother is going to come here any second.

EvilB🖤: Why, are they chasing you? 

Vecna💞: No, I ran to my room without saying anything.

EvilB🖤: Idiot

EvilB🖤: Shit, my mom's coming. Gotta go. I send the details later.

Vecna💞: Thx, Byee.

Now that I got that off my chest, I took a breather. The reason I want to know about their details is that you know, the entire house is filled with security with hawk eyes and guns and I guess one of my brothers just beat up a guy and he's nowhere to be found.

"Viv, can I come in?" Lorenzo's voice rang out from behind the door. 

"Yeah, come in," I jumped over to the bag where the clothes are and yeeted them out so he thinks that I was trying on new clothes.

"So you're trying them on, let me see," Leo scooted over and checked out each one of them.

"Honestly, I thought the shopping was going to be a disaster," Leo chuckled.

"Eh, why?"

"Usually, those two idiots would bicker like grandpa's and disagree with each other. I'm surprised that they didn't do that this time,"

"Pfft, bicker like grandpa', I can somewhat imagine that,"

"Okayy, come down and have some snacks,"

"Wait, about my school-"

"We'll discuss that downstairs,  come," He smiled and closed the door.

Hmm, I have a somber feeling about this

I quickly ran after Leo and we slowly walked towards the hall. As magnificent as it looks, The head of a dead or plastic deer hanging on the wall irks me out.

I sat on the sofa and Alex turned on the T.V, everyone is there so I started the conversation.

"So, about my school. It's starting next week right?" I asked,

"Yes, the books and other stationaries will come tomorrow," Dad said,

"I heard that you are good at studies, what's your favorite subject?" Vincent asked,

"Uhh, Biology, but I like history as well," The only reason I'm good at studies is cause' my mom instilled the fear of god in me.

"YOU like history? but isn't history about dead people," Alex questioned,

"So first of all-," 

"Ohhh, the game is starting, LOOK," Alex interrupted me. 

Okay, this is starting to get annoying, interrupting when I'm talking!


The dreaded day has finally come, my knees got numb and my head starts swirling. The building looks menacing with people whose eyes pierce me like daggers, judging and analyzing. Its-It's the SCHOOL. 

'OakLeaf academy' is written in big bold letters on top of the school. Students walk up lazily with a few of them having coffee in their hands. During the past week, we have bonded a lot, I mean a lot. We share secrets and play pranks on each other, throwing one of my brothers in a pool. Stuff like that.

I feel bad for those poor souls, A hand came down on my shoulder, and Armando is standing right behind me.

"Welcome to our school, you are gonna die in there so best of luck," he said somberly

"Thanks, let's survive," I joked, though it is not a joke.

Well, I'll try to have a good time here!

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