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"They are already fast asleep," Lorenzo sighed, he left them for 2 hours to stitch up some guy's eyes and he heard that Viv fought 2 guys in a single day, that too with injuries. Armando stirred when he heard footsteps, Lorenzo gave him a wide grin and helped him up. Lorenzo dropped near Vivian and pushed her collar down to see her wounds, after he had examined it thoroughly he got up and sat down next to Armando. 

 He was seriously worried about her health, and her issues too. She gets angry way too fast and takes decisions recklessly, it's not gonna help her in the long run.

But she does have some sweet sides too, she helps anyone in need and makes sure that the other person feels comfortable with her, she is sarcastic but not too much. A bubbly, kind girl to her friends, a nightmare to her enemies. She's turning into Dante!

"She is seriously gonna be the death of us," Armando grumbled, Lorenzo stifled his laughter.

"That's for sure, I don't even want to imagine what other troubles she's gonna bring in the future," Lorenzo said at which Armando pinched his nose and shook his head.

"Okay, time to get them in bed, grab one," Armando went in first and yanked Alex's leg off Vivian and potato-sack carried him to a room. Lorenzo gently slid an arm under Vivian's back and lifted her off and carried her just behind Mano. They both came to the place to see Dante and decided that they could just tell a guard to carry him to his room and so they did.

"Okay," Lorenzo breathed and did some stretches,

"You need to exercise otherwise I might have to tell Dante that you're skipping leg day," Armando smiled his evilest. Lorenzo's face turned pale at the thought of Dante 'helping' him work out. He would rather get shot in the butt than experience that again, that scary little brother.

They both said goodbye to each other and proceed their own ways.

 Armando retired to his office and got comfortable in his chair. He knew how the days thereafter would follow. Finding Daniel and destroying every single thing he owns and values

There had been rumors that he is starting up a new type of drug, but no confirmation has been of that fact but considering his personality and his schemes, he will get anything he wants. But in order to create drugs and then turn them into fortune, he needs to have a lot of money and resources, which he has abundance in both but he lacks in one thing, communication skills.

Hearing from dad, he knew that he had zero, nil, nada communication skills. He struggled with it since he was a kid and it has continued up until now. Violent behavior, rashness, and hastiness have all been associated with him.

If we want to put any, like any product into the market, the first thing you need is investors. They see if your product can survive and fulfill the expectations of the people, they'll know if it's worthy and profitable. In this case, who are Daniels investors?

Vivian's POV

I woke up in a different room this time. Should I just not sleep at all? I shook my head and got up, there is a connected bathroom so I headed inside and washed my face. I returned to the bed and found my phone on the bedside table. 

Ohh so there you are!

I picked it up and turned it on, wait for a while before it switched on and I went straight to my DMS. I scrolled through it and clicked on Elora's profile. 

Well, not much happened after that except that she got mad that I wasn't coming to the park this weekend and scolded me for half an hour straight.

I did apologize for that and explained the situation, the fake one obviously. If she were to find out that I have a Mafia family, she would jump around like a crazy freak and then continue to be in denial for an hour and jump around a bit more. She would probably ask me if I killed people before and gush about how she has a Mafia friend. I chuckled because that would be cute to look at, 

A ding came, I looked up to see who it was, but I don't recognize them. I looked up their profile pic but it's just a picture of a flower and they have no posts.

I read the message and cocked my eyebrow, wow this is unexpected. After all these months and now she wanna meet me?

The door swung open with a creek and I looked at who it was, 




He's still wearing a suit and adjusted his tie, he cleared his throat before he spoke, " The Don- no um, your father's waiting for you,"

So damn cute, especially now since his cheeks are pink.

"Yeah, Jus a min," I say and got up, he held the door for me and I followed. 

There is an awkward silence as we walked toward where ever he is taking me, he doesn't look at me and strides ahead. Dear god, can he just slow down?

"Wait up, you're going too fast," I shout, he turned around to look at me, bewildered.

"Oh, sorry, I should have-"

"No, no," I laugh and we walk at the same pace this time.

"So, what prompted you to take up such a dangerous job?" I ask, after all, he's only like 16-something.

"Circumstances," He said,

"No, don't get me wrong, my family is not poor or something, my dad owed him a favor so he sent me here," He flailed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh," I answered, I wasn't expecting that honestly.

"Just a minute," He said and took out his phone. Next to me was a room, a different one than the one I visited before. I looked at the door and took in the design when I turned around he disappeared. What? where is he? There's a scanner near the door, and I put my thumb on it. I don't even know if it'll work or not, but I tried anyway.

It opened and I looked at it for a second and gripped the door handle and pulled it, the inside glowed with white fluorescent lights. I pulled it all the way back and stepped inside. 

It's a gun storage room. There are so many types of guns here all packed neatly in boxes and in turn, those are laid out in racks. Let me tell you that the room is enormous. The boxes were huge too and 'fragile' is taped all over them, these look like the ones I saw while coming in. Some were lying on the ground and it looks like they still have some work to do.

I looked around and saw that no one was there. I called out dad but no response. This place is drier than the Sahara desert. It's better to leave right now, I don't feel good in here.

I turned around and tried to open the door, but it didn't budge. I tried it again but the door didn't open at all. Panicked I tried again and again but to no avail.  

 "HELLOOO" I yelled but nothing happened. There were so many people when I came here, where are they now?!

I banged the door hard but to no success. I sighed and slid down the door, no, this cannot be happening.

Oh for fucks sake, I'm stuck in here!


Hey, wassup! How's life? Mine's a bit wonky. I have finals in a month and here I am writing my story instead of studying. If I don't get good marks then I swear to god I'll be homeless. I think my story is getting a bit bland. I have no idea. I need an opinion and some work to do, but all my friends are busy so here I am stuck with my trash of a story. Have a good day!

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