ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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"Wait a damn minute, you got angry because I didn't come early? Am I hearing that right?" I asked, still not believing this shit.

"We thought you went away, we were so worried you know?" Alex retaliated, his face red with anger.

I laughed, both of them were confused and then angry that I was making fun of their concerns.

"just a sec before you guys go all hulk on me," and I bent forward and clutched my stomach.

"Uhhh, hello. What's going on here?" Lorenzo popped into the room, he noticed the tension in the air and tried to make a wild guess.

"Vivian over here disappeared for an HOUR and didn't even bother informing us," Alex looked up and down at me, in disgust. This dumb idiot doesn't know the pain I've been through in that hour. Only one side of the story has been told.

I gathered all the energy in me and burst out, "I'm sorry my dear brothers, but how the hell am I supposed to even call you if I was in immense pain and can't even lift my finger up, I got my damn period and it feels like someone has stabbed me a hundred times in the stomach. I feel like crying right now and I'm hungry. Give the damn chocolate Enzo," I stole Lorenzo's chocolate which he had been nibbling on, and took a big bite. It didn't stop the pain but it at least relaxed my mind.

They looked at me like I'm crazy and stared at me in surprise. They better be thankful that I restrained from using curse words, otherwise all hell be down upon them.

"Calm down okay, you want more chocolate? we have them in the fridge," Enzo pointed to the kitchen and I quickly went there. I'm always hungry.

Anyway, I didn't go to school for 2 days and had a great time roaming around the house and watching T.V. I was excited to swim In that gorgeous swimming pool but plans are now in ruin.

 I don't want to procrastinate all day, moreover, it's Sunday, I cooked lunch for Alex and me but I'm still bored so I went out with Dante's skateboard which I sneakily stole from his room. There's this wonderous excitement when you 'borrow' your sibling's things. Dad and Vincent were out for an important meeting they won't be back until this weekend, Dante's at god-knows-where, Enzo at his clinic, Armando surprisingly works part-time at a coffee shop(or that's what he told me) and my dear Alex is just gaming on his laptop and refuses to go out. 

I'm weirded out by the fact that Armando works at a cafe, why does a rich boy like him even need to do all that stuff? They're mostly out of the house and nowadays they won't even come back home for a week. Basically, I'm all alone in the house, not really since there are guards but you get the idea.

Speaking of guards, most of them were astonishingly very kind despite their petrifying appearance, in fact, I'm friends with a few of them. But of course, there are some who are plain disgusting, like the guy who went threw my undies, obviously, I told dad and I have no idea what happened next, I surely didn't see him around the house at all.

Outside, the breeze is brushing past my face while I ride the skateboard around the block. Since today is a sunny day, the warmth felt good on my skin. It made me feel untroubled. As I made an u-turn I saw that black van Again. This isn't good, why do they keep following me everywhere I go? Should I turn back and head back home or just confront them? 

The latter it is. If I keep ignoring them, they will just continue to follow me and disturb me. Though there is a risk of getting kidnapped if I got too close to them, I have the self-defense skills that my mom taught me. 

I went ahead to the van, putting a safe distance between me and the van. I stared and stared at the window for someone to open it. Finally, they did. A man seemingly in his forties with his sunglasses and a walrus mustache slid down the window. 

"May I help you?" He answered, his voice didn't carry any accents as he avoided face-to-face confrontation with me.

"Yeah actually. I would love it if you would stop following me," I fumed putting on a frown.

"Look miss, I'm not following you. You got the wrong idea," He denied the accusation. 

"Oh really? I think I saw this exact van at the hospital, the airport, at the mall and now here with the same damn number plate," I was exasperated, if this man is still going to deny this fact then I'm going to punch him. I'm really thankful that he didn't change the number plate cause' then I wouldn't have known that someone had been following me.

"Look girl, get out of here!" The unknown man snapped, his face completely red probably at the fact that a 13-year-old girl could find him with his pathetic hiding spots.

"How long did it take for you to come up with that one?" I taunted, scoffing at him. The best way to put down your enemy is to lower their willpower.

He quickly closed the window and hit the accelerator. A cloud of smoke trailed behind the vehicle. I sighed with relief and thanked god that he went away instead of getting out of the van and possibly murdering me.

I went back home immediately and took a hot shower, it made me refreshed and helped me partially forget about the incident that happened today. I wonder if I should tell my family about this, I have no idea how they are going to react but I honestly don't want to tell them. I have been here for more than a month now, if I tell them about the situation would they think I'm problematic? A person who would bring much trouble to them? what if they abandon me? who knows. There's one more thing that I know I will never tell them. My nightmares.

I have been having constant nightmares about the fire, my mom, and that person. I would break into tears after waking up from that horror, my throat would feel constricted and I feel like killing myself. I could have stopped everything and Mom would have survived. But this dark cloud had a silver lining, I found my dear brothers and my dad, and that makes me happy.

I dashed to the dining room where my family is, the noise of cutlery is evident in the room. Everyone is arguing with Alex, just like on the day I arrived. I smiled and crossed my fingers for this is what I want to see each day.

"Viv, we're going to a party next week!" Alex yelled, his face full of excitement.

"As if, you failed the history test. AGAIN," Enzo called out making Alex clench his fist in frustration.

"I'm sorry that I had too much fun with Viv than you all," Alex bragged as I sat down next to him.

"A party?" I asked,

"It's where all business people gather to talk about politics and boring stuff like that, it's alright if you don't want to come," Dad suggested

"Hmm, of course, I want to come," I answered, I had never been to a party, let alone a sleepover so I want to check out what it is like.

A big magnificent place surrounded by a big garden, bright lights shining and glimmering in the light of the moon.

Hello dearies, I hope ya'll have been fine. I know that the story has been progressing a lot slower but this is the main plot that I have been crafting while daydreaming in class. As you guys know, my exams are over but the results will be out soon and I'm gonna get my ass whooped. I may not be able to post as much, so please understand my situation. I hope you like the chapter, comment, and vote if you don't want to get sunghooned.

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