ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝

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My head is throbbing and I feel like jumping off a bridge is better than enduring this hell-hole. My whole body hurts a lot, especially my abdomen and my poor nose. I know that I lost horribly, but uhh it's okay I guess, at least I'm alive.

As I lay on the ground, I slightly opened my eyes to see Alex running towards me, Armando right behind him. Others were recording the fight, and some were still cheering for Rosa. So pathetic Viv, you can't even take down a girl. Now you're lying on the ground waiting for someone to help you. Along with my body, my self-respect is bruised too.  No, wait it doesn't have to be that way. Rosa just won the battle but not the war. She insulted my mother by calling her a cheating whore and I'm supposed to just sit back and let myself get beat up. 

Oh hell Nah

I picked myself up with the bit of strength that was left in me, she was standing right there basking in all her glory, waving as she won the match. 

I walked upright to her and kicked right on the back of her knee, she fell and I grabbed her by her hair but then it fell off?


Her strawberry blond wig is in my hands, while she desperately ran her fingers through her wig cap. Underneath it though, there is a red patch. She has auburn hair?

The crowd gasped and started whispering among themselves, the most popular girl in school has red hair, and people started taking pictures.

What a strong ass wig. How the hell did it survive the fight for so long?

I looked at my friends who also looked shocked, they stopped fighting each other. Elora's hair is in a mess and her nose is bleeding, Sakura, on the other hand, looked a lot worse, her clothes were torn and she is on the ground panting.

It seems like I lost all of my energy now cause I'm falling down but thankfully someone caught me from behind, the wig still in my hands.


"UGHH," I groaned, the body pains are really getting to me.

"Your awake," A voice next to me whispered,

Huh? I turned around to see Rosa sitting on the bed, her hands in her lap and a tired look on her face. 

"Yeah," I said, getting up and putting my back against the wall.

"There's something I have to tell you," We both said at the same time. Now that I see clearly, her right eye is a purple shade, her lip is swollen and there are bandages on her hands and face.

"Oh, you can tell first," I offered,

"Then um, I'm sorry for calling your mom a whore, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry," She apologized, her head bowed low.

Wait, is she really apologizing? THE Rosa? wow, I'm baffled.

"Well, I'm sorry that I took your wig off. I honestly didn't know," I too apologized,

"Oh, it's okay, what happened has happened," She sighed, "You know, I always liked being in the spotlight. I loved it when people know my name and who I am, it makes me feel like I have an identity that everyone recognizes. But when you came, everyone wanted to know you, the youngest of the Moretti's and their little sister. I felt like you were taking away the image that I tried so hard to keep, but now I know that I'm being selfish and stupid and I'm sorry for hurting you,"

Woahh, so that's the reason why she provoked me, if she fought and won against me then her popularity would come back.

"Did people bully you cause you had red hair? is that why you wore a wig?" I asked, I know I'm touching a sensitive spot but I want to know more about her, after all, there's a side that most people would not know.

"Hmm, yea. I changed schools because of that and learned martial arts for 5 years, just to fight against them,"

"Uh-huh, so that's why you were so good at beating my ass up," I laughed,

Rosa chuckled, "Of course, if it weren't for you taking my wig off, then I would have been the winner,"

"Says the girl who is 3 times bigger than me," I retorted, skimming my fingers up my hair.

The door slowly opened and I saw Elora and Sakura there, with bandages wrapped on their arms and legs.

"Guys!" I got up and hugged them, I can't explain how thankful I am for having such great friends.

"Hey, are you alright now?" Elora asked and ruffled my hair,

"Yeah, what about you guys?" I asked them concerned, they both looked at each other and nodded. "Look, guys, I'm so sorry for dragging you into the fight, I should have just ignored the-"

"Heyy, what the hell? We're your friends and that's what we do." She said, "If stuck-up bitches like them mess with you, then they are messing with us too," Sakura whispered and glared at Rosa.

I hugged them both, having besties like they are a great fortune that I am much thankful for.

 Ther were some heavy footsteps outside and Dad came throwing the door off its hinges. His eyes landed on me and then he gave to me a bear hug, enveloping my small body into his wide chest, I could hear his heart beating crazily.

"Dad?" I asked, my voice muffled. Okay, it's getting really hard to breathe right now. I hit him on the back, but it has no effect.

He finally pulled away from me and touched my face, scanning my injuries. Particularly my nose, which is in bandages.

"Do I look that ugly?" I laughed, but he didn't laugh back, instead, he pulled me into another bear hug and patted my back, sighing.

"Dad, release her otherwise you are going to choke her," Dante's voice came from the back. I hear shuffling of feet, it seems like everyone's here. Damn.

He finally, finally pulled away and sat on the stool nearby. Everyone's watching me with beady eyes, Vincent is cocking her head to the right, and everyone like sheep followed him.

Elora grabbed Sakura's hand and they skedaddled out. Seems like she knew what was coming for me!

"Guys, I can explain," I put my hands in the air, trying to appease the growing discontent on their faces.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE?" Armando screamed at the top of his lungs, his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, you were fighting with her and then FAINTED," Lorenzo added in,

"I was so damn tensed when I got a call saying that you got hit and passed out," Dante huffed, and threw his hands in the air.

"If I didn't catch you when you fell, you would have died with a broken neck, *blah***blah**," Alex continued, his brows knotted. I held on to my dad's hand and put my head on his shoulder while listening to all their yelling and concerns. 

Oh, and If you're worrying about Rosa, she left the moment everyone came in, it would be really awkward if she were here.

Okay, isn't this getting too much? I turned to see vincent and then dad who was nodding vigorously with each of them telling their own concerns. Dear god, I want to go home a sleep right now. The aching pain in my abdomen came back and I hunched in pain. Fuck.

Lorenzo hurried up to me and lifted my shirt a bit, to see the wound. It was slightly purple, and it is bruising on the area. He slowly pressed on the wound and I hissed in pain.

"You need some good rest, let's get you home and I'll patch you up," he said holding out his hand.

Thank god we're finally going home.


Hello dearies, I hope everyone's fine and all. I don't think I can post that much these days, cuz my results are coming out, and let me tell you, they are not good. My parents might take away my device so pls understand If I don't post at all. Wish me luck. Goodbye

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