ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟝

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"Um, Vivian? That's not how you do it. Here let me do it for you" Marcel takes the pencil from my hand and jots down the correct equation. He's helping me out with my maths test tomorrow and since I've been too lazy to study, he offered to help.

Wait a min, why does this feel like a p*** story plot? I sniggered at the thought of it but quickly changed my expression.

"what's so funny?"

"No-thing," I scratched my neck. He tilted his head and bit his lip. No, no, zon't do it, just zon't.

He stretched back and grabbed the book on the bed(we're sitting down btw). His muscles were clearly visible underneath his black shirt.

The phone rang with a buzzing sound and Marcel picked it up, I watched as his face morphed into confusion and then he looked at me.

"Help me," He mouthed and I said ok, He put the phone on speaker mode and We both listened together.

"Hey babe, there's no one at home. Why don't you leave that bitch and come over~," An annoying nasal tone said, with honestly gave me shivers.

"Marcel, come on now, say something~," She talked gain and I swear I was about to gag.

"No, I'm not interested, so goodbye," Marcel retorts and almost hangs up the phone, "BABY!" 

At this point I was losing it, I grabbed the phone and said," Ya, leave my boyfriend alone would you?" 

"What? who are you?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm that bitch who he is spending time with," I commented which annoyed her even more. 

"Marcel likes me okay? so fuck off," She shouts in anger. I pass the phone to him and let him speak for himself.

He takes a deep breath and says, "Yeah she's my girlfriend. So please stop hitting on me. Also, I'm blocking you so goodbye," He cuts the call immediately and starts blocking her.

"That was harsh and respectful," I chuckled, "Needed to be done," He winces when there is another text on Snapchat, he blocks her there but another message dinged on another platform. I could help but laugh at the situation. She seems like a complete nuisance.

"Don't laugh," His face turns tomato red as he furiously taps on the phone, anyways I laughed harder. I held my stomach as I hunched over, this is hilarious.

"Vivian, stop that," He hits me on the back and I was completely losing it.

Suddenly he moved forward and his lips touched mine. Huh? what? What just happened? I stopped laughing at once and blankly stared at him. I- Wha? When? How? I-I can't

"Uhhhhh," I couldn't say anything right now

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"Uhhhhh," I couldn't say anything right now. I don't know what to say right now. I don't know what to do right now. I don't know how to breathe right now. Oh shit! Am I breathing?

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