ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟

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I walk around the store looking for the perfect dress for me, while my lovely brother just sat there dozing off into his dreams, I, on the other hand, ran meticulously through the racks and racks of clothes. The last 4 days have been hell, the moment I stepped into the treacherous grounds of the school, stares are all I get. Though no remarks are made directly, their eyes tell me everything I need to know.

Moreover, I got detention for 2 weeks straight and I'm grounded for a week, what's worse is that my dad made me do all my 20 unfinished assignments. And, surely enough, Rosa too got detention and we were given an extensive 2-hour lecture by our principal, who preached love for others and left us with a stern warning at the end of it.

My poor nose has started its recovery, it's a bit reddish in color and the swelling has stopped thankfully, I couldn't bear walking around school with that bandage and not being able to breathe.

I've been practicing my basketball practice in my recovery time and guess what? I got selected and thankfully the coach decided to overlook my 'little incident' but he too made me run 60 times around the court before I could have the chance to play. So many punishments!

The party is on Saturday, so I and Dante are going shopping, we are buying clothes for all of us so I need to pay extra attention to the detail. I didn't forget what happened the last time I went shopping, so now I'm looking for vans and strange mans. That kinda rhymed.

"How long are you going to take?" Dante sighed, I had to beg him to come with me and he eventually agreed but now he looks like he's been tormented for 10 days.

"I just have to try on this dress, it'll only take a minute," I answered and he gave me his most annoyed look. 

"You've been saying that for the past-what an hour?" He groaned and leaned back in his chair.

Dante just took 10 minutes to pick suits for all of them, they range from dark blue to light to black. He ordered them to be tailored to their sizes and gave them his address for them to be shipped.

He finally got up from his seat and ran his fingers through the set of clothes and picked one and gave it to me.

"This looks fine on you," He said and walked back to his seat.

"This-this is what I've been looking for! Dante, you are a fuc- freaking genius," I exclaimed, this will look so cute on me. 

"hmm, I know, hurry up and try it," He ushered me to the trail room after smacking me on the forehead

The dress is a little bit tight but, it fits me well and I felt really confident in it. I rushed out of the room in excitement,

"How does it look?" I asked him,

"Wait, stay in that pose. I'll send it to the boys," He quickly took out his phone and started taking pictures.

The phone then vibrated with messages and pings and Dante smiled.

"They love it, do you?" He asked me,

"Of course," I gleamed and twirled around.

Feeling content, we went home but then I remembered that I have my social science project that is due tomorrow.  Fuck me.


"Take that cream next to you and gently apply it on your face," Chrissy guided me, 

Today's the day that I go to the party that I've been looking forward to, and Chrissy here is helping me put my make-up on and get ready for it. Since she can't physically come here, a video call will do.

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